Saturday, December 25, 2010

Being thin does not always mean being Healthy

Being thin:
What is thin? It is the opposite of fat, right? It's what almost everyone wants to be, and will go lengths to be so, depriving oneself of food, walking the treadmill extra hours and denying oneself all the good things in life, from indulgent food to regular meals. Thin is what supermodels are, thin is what the mannequins at designer store are, thin is 'in'. But then, being thin is not the same as being fit.
Some of us are just naturally thin. And that makes us the object of envy in a society where obesity levels are rising. But as they say, the grass is always greener on the other side. Skinny arms and feet and a non-existent butt, plus the eternal fear that the weighing machine will display a "Where are you?" sign aren't very nice things to live by either. Doctors regard people with a BMI lesser than 18.5, or those weighing less than their ideal weight as being "underweight". And being underweight while growing up is as big a nightmare as being overweight is. For people who are underweight and trying to put on weight, life can be frustrating. And many will resort to eating just about anything to put on weight. That certainly can't be healthy.

Artificial Thin
And then there are some of us who will deprive ourselves of food and attempt to live on an apple or six raisins a day. That will eventually "tone down" the body but can also lead to a condition called anorexia. (Now, that's what supermodels are.) From digestive disorders to general weakness, anorexia serves no good to humanity except for letting you fit into that size zero gown. Just how much is it worth really?

The down side of being thin
Not being fat is attributed to a large extent to excellent metabolism, ample exercise and an active lifestyle. But being underweight or anorexic isn't the same. Thin people are prone to general weakness characterised commonly by a feeling of dizziness while suddenly standing up, they usually lack of physical stamina and also feel cold easily, thanks to the absence of a protective fat layer. Add to that the inconvenience of having to live with names like "bony," "skinny," "twig," "fly," "stick" etc, life certainly isn't a bed of roses this side of the fat.

"Thin Fat"
Here is the news. Being thin on the outside and not having a depository of fat underneath the skin does not guarantee a healthy life. Recent research suggests that in people without much fat under the skin, the fat may actually be deposited internally around vital organs such as the heart and the liver. The presence of such internal fat places these thin people at a risk of the same diseases that overweight people are likely to suffer from: Type-2 diabetes and cardiac arrests. Thin people with internal fat are equally prone to ergonomical problems faced at work, other diseases caused by sedentary lifestyles and smoking not to mention psychological problems like depression. Regular consumption in alcohol also leads to a flabby "beer belly" on an otherwise skinny body which, apart from being an unpleasant sight, is also unhealthy.

Here is a quick myth buster cum fact-sheet on being thin.

  • Losing a lot of weight through dieting and starvation is unhealthy as compared to losing it through exercise.
  • An overweight person with an active lifestyle is actually healthier than a thin person with an inactive one.
  • Being thin on the outside does not guarantee absence of fat around vital body organs.
  • Sudden loss of weight, and not through exercise, can actually be a symptom of a host of conditions and disease including tuberculosis, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV) or even parasites in the digestive system.
  • Eating junk food and food excessively rich in calories is equally harmful to a thin person as it is to someone who is overweight.
  • With proper diet and exercise, underweight people can gain weight and keep fit.
    The most important thing to keep in mind is to build body protein as opposed to body fat.

The secret lies in not allowing one self to get depressed, or frustrated. It is possible to gain an ideal weight. At the same time, it is necessary to do it the right way.





Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12 Indian foods that cut the fat.......

You don't have to acquire a taste for olive oil, seaweed or soya to maintain a low-fat, healthy diet. Indian cuisine can be healthy too, if it's cooked with oil and ingredients that take care of your heart and health.

Ayurveda suggests you include all tastes — sweet, sour, salty, pungent, bitter and astringent — in at least one meal each day, to help balance unnatural cravings. Here are 12 foods that can help you lose weight and gain health:

Turmeric : Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, is an object of research owing to its properties that suggest they may help to turn off certain genes that cause scarring and enlargement of the heart. Regular intake may help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol and high blood pressure, increase blood circulation and prevent blood clotting, helping to prevent heart attack.

Cardamom : This is a thermogenic herb that increases metabolism and helps burn body fat. Cardamom is considered one of the best digestive aids and is believed to soothe the digestive system and help the body process other foods more efficiently.

Chillies : Foods containing chillies are said to be as foods that burn fat. Chillies contain capsaicin that helps in increasing the metabolism. Capsaicin is a thermogenic food, so it causes the body to burn calories for 20 minutes after you eat the chillies.

Curry leaves : Incorporating curry leaves into your daily diet can help you lose weight. These leaves flush out fat and toxins, reducing fat deposits that are stored in the body, as well as reducing bad cholesterol levels. If you are overweight, incorporate eight to 10 curry leaves into your diet daily. Chop them finely and mix them into a drink, or sprinkle them over a meal.

Garlic : An effective fat-burning food, garlic contains the sulphur compound allicin which has anti-bacterial effects and helps reduce cholesterol and unhealthy fats.

Mustard oil : This has low saturated fat compared to other cooking oils. It has fatty acid, oleic acid, erucic acid and linoleic acid. It contains antioxidants, essential vitamins and reduces cholesterol, which is good for the heart.

Cabbage : Raw or cooked cabbage inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction.

Moong dal : The bean sprouts are rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and many minerals, such as calcium, iron and potassium. It is recommended as a food replacement in many slimming programmes, as it has a very low fat content. It is a rich source of protein and fibre, which helps lower blood cholesterol level. The high fibre content yields complex carbohydrates, which aid digestion, are effective in stabilising blood sugar and prevent its rapid rise after meal consumption.

Honey : It is a home remedy for obesity. It mobilises the extra fat deposits in the body allowing it to be utilised as energy for normal functions. One should start with about 10 grams or a tablespoon, taken with hot water early in the morning.

Buttermilk : It is the somewhat sour, residual fluid that is left after butter is churned. The probiotic food contains just 2.2 grams of fat and about 99 calories, as compared to whole milk that contains 8.9 grams fat and 157 calories. Regular intake provides the body with all essential nutrients and does not add fats and calories to the body. It is thus helpful in weight loss.

Millets : Fibre-rich foods such as millets - jowar, bajra, ragi, etc - absorb cholesterol and help increase the secretion of the bile that emulsifies fats.
Cinnamon and cloves: Used extensively in Indian cooking, the spices have been found to improve the function of insulin and to lower glucose, total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides in people with type 2 diabetes.

Read more: 12 Indian foods that cut fat - The Times of India
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

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Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

Drinking water before meals good.........TOI

Have you tried out every trick in the book to lose weight – crash diets, gyms, or simply starving yourself?

Now, try a simple trick – drink a glass or two of water before meals, as that's the best way to curb appetite and shed those pounds – says a new research.

Scientists have reported that just two 8-ounce glasses of water taken before meals, can lead to weight loss.

"In this recent study, we found that over the course of 12 weeks, dieters who drank water before meals, three times per day, lost about 5 pounds more than dieters who did not increase their water intake," said Brenda Davy of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg.

The simple reason is that it fills up the stomach with a substance that has zero calories. People feel fuller as a result, and eat less calorie-containing food during the meal.

And it gets even better if you replace sweetened calorie-containing beverages with it.

Although there's no exact amount of water one should drink, experts advise that most healthy people can simply let thirst be their guide.

The general recommendations for women are about 9 cups of fluids — from all beverages including water — each day, and men at about 13 cups of fluids.

Read more: Drinking water before meals good - The Times of India
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

Friday, December 17, 2010

Are u getting mad temporarily but regularly???? Understand anger ..first mail..

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Osho writes better but this time my thoughts . Now a days many corporates keep Course on Anger management. And have found it useful.

Anger can lead to : High BP
damage to property
damage to relationships ( leading to separation between partners/ brothers/spouse/ good staff leaving you etc )
In a fit of anger people have committed many crimes ( unwantingly and then repented) like throwing child out of train for seat / assaulting/ pushing and killing thru car on arguments about parking, jumping out of ..... hitting loved ones who either get severe injuries physical or mental etc etc.
) all out of anger),

This madness though temporary has to be controlled.
All those who get such bouts must see counselor instead of justifying there act of madness. No reason/ excuse  can make u mad unless u r one.It is bad behavior / loose act and is punishable in laws. Yet we do it. Why??
If we can not achieve anything with diplomacy/ persuasion / education then we can not achieve it thru fights.Unknowingly u may cause grievous injury to self or other person in fit of rage. The matter can go to police, court/ bosses/ samaj etc etc and may cost career, peace of mind, reputation etc etc . Instead of taking law in hand let us all ( who r in habit of getting uncontrollably angry ) think of reasons what makes us angry. Where lies the solution.And be reasonable to others.Our own demand/ expectation may be unreasonable and that wrong expectation may be giving us frustration and making us angry.If we ourselves are wrong ( full of wrong expectations) then we are craving for moon which will never be fulfilled. And Lo we r still angry on others for our unfulfilled demands.

Be reasonable. Be cool. Be understanding.have contentment and be happy.



Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya
(Real Estate, Insurance, Mutual Funds, Bonds,
Tholiya Marketing and Leasing Pvt. Ltd.
Marigold Party Hall,
Tholiya Bhavan,Next to Regency Hotel,
10th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Television viewing and rise in mental

Television viewing and rise in mental problems

October 2010

More than two hours a day spent watching television or playing computer games could put a child at greater risk for psychological problems.

We know that physical activity is good for both physical and mental health in children and there is some evidence that screen viewing is associated with negative behaviour. However, it isn't clear whether having high physical activity levels could 'compensate' for high levels of screen viewing in children.

Researchers studied more than 1,000 children between the ages of 10 and 11 years in the UK. Over seven days, the children filled out a questionnaire reporting how much time they spent daily in front of a television or computer and answering questions describing their mental state - including emotional, behavioral, and peer-related problems. Meanwhile, an accelerometer measured their physical activity.

The odds of significant psychological difficulties were about 60 percent higher for children spending longer than two hours a day in front of either screen compared with kids exposed to less screen time. For children with more than two hours of both types of screen time during the day, the odds more than doubled. The effect was seen regardless of sex, age, stage of puberty, or level of educational or economic deprivation.

Psychological problems further increased if kids fell short of an hour of moderate to rigorous daily exercise in addition to the increased screen time. However, physical activity did not appear to compensate for the psychological consequences of screen time. The researchers also found that sedentary time itself was not related to mental wellbeing.

It is important to limit television viewing to about an hour per day, or a reduction of at least 50 percent from a kid's starting screen time. This budgeting of children's screen time has profound positive effects on their families' lives.

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

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Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

Monday, November 15, 2010

Safer six-packs

Topics covered in the article
  • Finding the right gym
  • Working weights
  • Healthy diet
  • Warming up
  • Potential risks
  • Discipline and patience

A perfect, well- toned body is every man's dream. More alluring than having a fit body, however, is the concept of a muscular, well-built one. Bulging biceps and chest muscles, iron-hard calves and a six-pack abdomen seem to constitute the "real man's body" and there are countless sellers selling the same. Ads for 'perfect' bodies accompanied by a muscular man tightening his muscles can be seen not only on outdoor boards but also in magazines and these days, on social networks.
Body building is not without its advantages. It is, like aerobics and sports, a fitness regime that exercises and tones muscles, burns calories and fat and gives well-toned, well-shaped bodies. More than the physical, of course, it is about the social and psychological reverence provided to the muscular body. The lure is almost universal. Who wouldn't want to look like a stud? The pressure starts early and boys in the later teens who perceive themselves as either too fat or too thin will hit the gym to start building muscles.
The bulging biceps and the solid six- packs do come around eventually and they certainly constitute a better physique than beer bellies and excess fat or a bony chest and skinny arms. But getting that dream body takes more hard work and discipline than you think. There are a hundred factors that will come in between you and that body. And most of them do more harm than good.

Finding the right gym
Find a gym that works for you. Proximity to home or work place is an obvious preference. Apart from that, try finding a gym with a good instructor or trainer, a place that is not very crowded so that your trainer can spend some time guiding you and you don't have to wait in line for the weights. A place with large windows and good air circulation is also necessary. Having a friend who goes to the gym at the same time as you is also preferable. Not only will you be able to help each other during weight training, you will also end up going there more regularly on each other's behest.

Warm up
Getting out of bed, arriving at the gym and then lifting weights is, needless to say, a bad idea. Get your body warmed up a bit first. Jogging to the gym, carrying out a few push ups or sit- ups and stretching your muscles will get you perspiring enough to start working on the heavy weights. It helps avoid cramps and body aches, too.

Working weights
Weights are necessary for body building. In fact, dumb bells and some weights are sufficient to exercise almost every part of your body. A common mistake most of us make is to lift heavier weights, hoping to build muscles quicker. This is wrong and will only leave you with body aches that will disrupt your routine. Start light and work your way up as the months progress.

Potential risks
If your body reacts badly to your body building regime, slow down and get some medical advice first. Regular back ache, even after weeks of training, can be an indicator of long-term problems. Lifting heavy weights, without warm-ups, over time can themselves lead to back injury. The problem with many health risks associated with body building is that they build up over the years and are not immediately discovered.
If you have had injuries in the past, torn a ligament or a meniscus, consult your physician even if it isn't giving problems at the moment and ensure that your training does not complicate problems.

Following a proper diet routine seems to be the most significant difficulty newbies seem to face. It's easy and very tempting to pick up protein supplements off the nearest store. However, it is always better to derive maximum nutrition from natural food. Working out will get you hungry and you will consume ample starch and carbohydrates. Decent amounts of fat and sweets are not very harmful because you will burn them away. You will need to be careful about them, however, if you have a history of diabetes in the family, irrespective of whether you work out regularly or not.
What you need the most, however, is protein. Meat, eggs and pulses are excellent sources of the same. Some vegetables like beans contain proteins too but you would have to consume a lot of them to get the same amount of protein you would get from eating a small amount of meat. Protein is what builds your muscles and gives you that body and that is why people rush to buy protein supplements. Make sure that you know how much of it to consume and how to consume it for optimum results. Consult your trainer. If you think you are experiencing any side effects or if your body is not reacting properly to it, switch back to a protein-rich natural diet.
Above all, drink lots of water. The amount you sweat in the gym indicates that a lot of water is going away from your body. Keep sipping water continuously to avoid cramps, dehydration and feelings of weakness and dizziness that arise out of inadequate water consumption.

Discipline and patience
Nobody goes to sleep with a big fat beer belly and wakes up with a six-pack abdomen; you can't walk into a gym with bony arms and walk out with bulging ones. It takes weeks and even months to see the first signs of expanded, well-shaped muscles on your body. It also takes regular work-outs over a long period of time to maintain that body. The key lies in being disciplined, avoiding disruption of work routines and continuing your regime instead of dropping out at the first sight of flexed muscles.
Remember, your body will be at its best during your training and you will need to continue training for quite some time to maintain it.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Low testosterone levels lead to Alzheimer’s

Older men with low levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone, are more prone to Alzheimer's disease, revealed a new study.

"Having low testosterone may make you more vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease. The take-home message is we should pay more attention to low testosterone, particularly in people who have memory problems or other signs of cognitive impairment," said Dr. John E. Morley, director of the division of geriatric medicine at Saint Louis University and a study co-investigator.

Led by Dr. Leung-Wing Chu, who is chief of the division of geriatric medicine at Queen Mary Hospital at the University of Hong Kong, researchers studied 153 Chinese men who were recruited from social centers.

They were at least 55 years and older, lived in the community and didn't have dementia.

Of those men, 47 had mild cognitive impairment - or problems with clear thinking and memory loss.

Within a year, 10 men who all were part of the cognitively impaired group developed probable Alzheimer's disease.

These men also had low testosterone in their body tissues; elevated levels of the ApoE 4 (apolipoprotein E) protein, which is correlated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease; and high blood pressure.

"It's a very exciting study because we've shown that a low level of testosterone is one of the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease," said Morley.

The findings corroborate findings in previous studies of older Caucasian men that show low testosterone is associated with impaired thinking and Alzheimer's disease.

They suggest that testosterone may have a protective value against Alzheimer's disease.

The next step, Morley said, is to conduct a large-scale study that investigates the use of testosterone in preventing Alzheimer's disease.

The researchers encourage studying the effectiveness of testosterone replacement in older men who have both mild memory problems and low testosterone in staving off Alzheimer's disease.

The study was published in the Journal of Alzheimer''s Disease.

Read more: Low testosterone levels lead to Alzheimer's - The Times of India
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fw: Medical ck reply to my dear sis but also sending to few others....Alok

First assess if ur body has some pain, swelling,changes,difficulties,dizziness,discofrt etc etc. If yes then that part/ organ / respective possible complications have to be included for check up. Say if there is a lump some where then we have tp chk whether it is just like that or TB or cancer or something else. If there is breathlessness then chest xray, lungs, heart etc , if there is a joint pain then RA test , xray then may be MRI, Uric acid and similarly for other noticiable changes / discomfort etc. If there is general weak ness then blood test with for bitamins etc.. less libido etc then testesterone etc..
But if there is no specific reason then basic blood, urine, stool, chest, ECg,physical examination, etc shud suffice. For u good very good eye hospital for eye will be required. Mumbai has Lotus at Juhu.
With general complaints if any and basic test ( covers diabetes, ESR which shows any infection, BP. etc ) will suffice.
Warning : Ignoring any persistant ailment like headaches, coughs, pains,indigestion,acidity,palpitation, fever,  etc etc r very risky. Prolonged any not much bothering signs r too be equally attende.
Late Shri Sushil ji had lost apetite, developed acidity  and then finally at late stage cancer in lever etc was diagonised.
Late Shri Hasmukhbhai my dear respectable friend had cough for last two years.No detailed investigation were carried out. Ultimately it turned out to be lungs cancer of advance stage by then.
I was frequently getting fever. Normally after recovering in three four days anyone would forget that and it used to relapse. Symptoms were throat infections and ENT would give anti biotics. Finally after  6 or 7 th time fever I found something on net.
Went to Hinduja and had Throat swab test ( which never was advised by my ENT) . I was diagonised by infection ( not getting the name ) and had vaccine shot. Thereafter I never was down again.
People get diarrea day in and day out. Neglect. Vary bad. Once in a year or so is understandable but frequent is not to be tolerated. It can be amebiosis. Has to be treated differantly and ayurvedic medicine Amibica works better then Allopathy.
People keep treating repeat fever of Malaria with normal drugs. One must go for a proper test in good path lab. It can be P.Vivex which is self repeating and taking it out from roots is necessary.
Goes on so dont delay a ailment. Like even simple tooth ache if neglected becomes Root canal case and even further. One bad tooth if not attended then can spoil other neighbouring tooth too. X ary / OPG r necessary. Dont go to overcrowded clinics who cant do justice or thise docs who dont concentrate on job.
Patient education( even often of family) is necessary. Those docs who dont then stop going to them.
Instead of simple recommendation of health package name I have done the lenghty talk in long term interest and education. Docs have to be like that. Also keep reading small articles on health everywhere available including in waiting lounges of clinics and hospitals.
NB: Right postures and yoga , light but nutritious diet, peace in mind, 5 to 6 hrs of  physical activity ( like not be on chair/sofa,bed/couch etc) ( just 20 min. walk is a hoax), sleeping early, less expectations from life/ others/ spouse / children r key to good health.

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

From: Pratima Gangwal <>
To:; Dr Manisha Damani <>
Sent: Tue, 26 October, 2010 11:20:55 AM
Subject: Medical ck up

I am 52 complete . Myself and Vijayji wants go for comprehensive or general med. check up ..
I am very confused as many packages r available   in d hospitals .. Can u suggest ....wh tests....I shd go 4 and 
in wh. hospital at Pune or Mumbai?

It is nt very urgent but yes I wnt 2 go 4 it 

Pl. guide and share vid me . 


Friday, October 29, 2010

How many patient that enter night Casualty die bacause of mis-managment

U r 100% right. It is apathy of all concerned .U must rush to large hospitals  in emergency. For planned treatments and minor surgeries u may go to near by illequipped nursing home.

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Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 18:14:27 +0000
Subject: [mumbai_intellectuals_voice_and_media_source] How many patient that enter night Casualty die bacause of mis-managment

Does an emergency patient gets complete treatment in night Casualty of any Nursing homes, Private multi-speciality hospital or Government Hospitals.

Specialist services r hardly available for common man during night hours.

Nursing homes seem to be the worst in the line because most of them have night duty doctors who do not have Alopathy degree and nursing homes r only place where they could get a job.

Private Hospitals and Government hospitals have RMO in night duty who have basic MMBS degree and r further studying post graduation but they r authorised to give only basic first-aid. So the final line of treatment starts only after the decision is taken by the main doctor on day break. But this lapse of few hours in getting the treatment is most of the time fatal for most of the patient or they may otherwise also land up in ICU. Difference between time when any patient entered the hospital for treatment, time mention on any of his test report that could have been done even while he was in casualty bed, time when he was allotted bed, though at least 2 beds r always reserved in every hospital for critical patients that enter casualty, will clearly give picture of deficiency in service. Also always it is practise to first admit any patient in ward and then transfer him to ICU, which again results fatal for some patients.Do common man especially accident cases get emergency operation at night itself especially in multi-speciality hospital.

Relatives r ignorant how system works, and most of the time take all mismanagement of authorities as fate of their patient.

To make the matter simpler, even a critical patient is refused admission or is directed to some other small hospital or nursing home with the excuse no bed is available, may be because of some nexus between on duty doctor and such hospitals.

Do we have any solution to the problem. How such a important health issue got escaped from the eyes of media, though when questioned claim to know better since being in the field. Is media biased in not reporting such issues, to give protection to such hospitals.


jitendra gupta

Recent Activity:


    Friday, October 22, 2010

    Health is wealth


    Health is wealth

    Today,the number of hospital beds available is seen as a parameter for urbanisation and economic growth.In reality,it should be the other way around.The ultimate healthcare goal should be to eradicate the need for hospitals! Today people spend half of their health in earning wealth and then spend all of their wealth in regaining their lost health.And we consider this a sign of progress.
    In days of yore,there was no CT scan,no MRI,yet the benchmark was much higher.People lived longer,they were healthier and more importantly they were happier.
    We need to look at urban healthcare in a holistic manner.Just creating healthcare infrastructure will not build a healthy society.Today,there is hatred in society,there is greed,fear and because of this depression and stress has set in.Stress is the one of the biggest causes of urban health problems.It is appaling to hear that in the coming decades depression will be the number one disease in the world.
    So what is being healthy If you are feeling rough inside,then you are not healthy;if your mind is stiff and not calm,you are not mentally healthy.When your emotions are rough,you are emotionally not healthy.
    To attain a perfect state of health,one has to be mentally calm,steady and emotionally soft.But this is not an easy state to attain in todays fast-paced life.
    We have heard about dental hygiene,physical hygiene but we have forgotten the most important of all and that is mental hygiene.Mental well-being is improved perception,improved observation and improved expression.Our mind is like a container.We are simply dumping things into it and not attending to its cleanliness thus accumulating stress and in-turn ruining our health.
    There are two ways to manage our stress levels.One,we can cut down our mental and physical workload.That seems quite impossible.Alternatively,we can increase our energy level.Mind-body activities such as breathing techniques,meditation and yoga work wonders in keeping our energy or prana level high.Yoga is a very simple way to keep our system free from stress.Practice of yoga can release the tensions,negative emotions and help one to live in the present moment.In this age of technology,we care very little for our emotional and spiritual needs.Neither at home nor in school,do we learn how to release negative emotions.Yoga and meditation can help one get rid of it.Meditation is food for our soul and it brings forth the inner wealth.Meditation removes fixed and preconceived impressions and removes the stresses of day-to-day living.It is hundred times more refreshing than sleep because it helps you live in the present moment and frees you from anger of the past and worry of the future.Practices like yoga,pranayama and m e d i t a - tion not only give you physical but also mental and emotional health and this is true wealth.

    Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

    Meditation is food for our soul and it brings forth the inner wealth

    Thanks and Regards,
    Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

    We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

    Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
    marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

    Control that rage!

    Control that rage!

    Experts tell Lisa Antao about furious outbursts and how to manage them

    Do you often get angry at people and feel like yelling at them Do you lose your temper while stuck in a traffic jam Are you so angry at times that you feel the urge to break something or hit someone Do you easily lose your cool in stressful situations If yes,then you are suffering from extreme anger.Anjali Chhabria,psychiatrist and psychotherapist,says,Anger is an emotional state that varies in intensity from mild irritation to intense fury and rage.It is accompanied by physiological and biological changes,for e.g.when you get angry,your heart rate and blood pressure goes up,as do the levels of your energy hormones,adrenaline,and noradrenaline (a hormone that raises blood pressure,glucose levels in the blood,heart beat rate).
    Anger is a completely normal,usually healthy,human emotion.But when it gets out of control and turns destructive,it can lead to problems issues at work,in your personal relationships,and in the overall quality of your life.And it can make you feel as though youre at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion,elaborates Chhabria.


    Dr Yatri Thacker,homeopathic physician and stress counsellor,says that in order to deal with anger,people use a variety of conscious and unconscious processes.The three main approaches are expressing,suppressing,and calming.Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive way (but not in an aggressive manner ) is the healthiest way to express anger.For this,one has to learn to make clear what their needs are,and how to met them without hurting others.Being assertive doesnt mean being pushy or demanding instead it means being respectful of yourself and of others.
    Unexpressed anger can lead to pathological expressions of anger,such as passive-aggressive behaviour (for e.g.getting back at people indirectly without telling them why,rather than confronting them head-on ) or a personality that seems constantly cynical and hostile.People who are constantly putting others down,criticising everything,and making cynical comments havent learned how to constructively express their anger.As a result,they arent likely to have m a ny


    Chhabria opines that anger stems from irrational demands that one places on oneself or others.Expectations from others are probably the root cause of anger.My husband must be gentle and caring,or my girl-friend cannot keep me hanging. Every individual has a different coping capacity.In different situations one often says I cannot handle this,I cant take it anymore.Facing barriers in life reduces ones coping capacity and increases the level of frustration.Anger is a sign indicative of the fact that ones capacity for tolerance has lessened.
    Taking things personally,for e.g.if someone doesnt speak to you in a manner such that you feel that the person dislikes you,when in fact it may be that he or she is just shy or worried.Ignoring the positive,for e.g.people who get angry tend to focus their thinking on negative or bad events and ignore positive or good events.Perfectionism,for e.g.people who become angry often expect too much from themselves or those around them.


    Dr Vimal Pahuja,consultant physician (internal medicine ),mentions the negative effects of extreme anger on physical health such as high blood p re s - s u re,wh i ch can lead to an increased risk of strokes and heart diseases,decreased concentration and attention span.The digestive system gets affected,appetite goes down,theres an increased acid formation in the stomach that can lead to gastritis and ulcers.Also most people who suffer from anger issues take up drinking and smoking too.Extreme anger can cause stress hormones to increase blood sugar levels,which is harmful for diabetics.Effects on mental health include low self-esteem,disturbed inter personal relationships and constant fighting and arguments with others.In women,extreme anger can affect menstrual cycles and menstrual cramps in women.


    Taking deep breaths helps lowers the anger from within and has a calming effect.Make use of visual imagery.Imagine youre on a beautiful secluded beach or in a garden surrounded by beautiful,colourful and aromatic flowers.Use your imagination for whatever suits you.Keep a stress-buster toy in your bag or at your desk.Whenever you feel your temper rising,repeatedly press and release the toy in your palm.Repeat phrases like take it easy,relax,'keep it cool Sip cold water and if possible wash your face with cool water.Keep pictures of happy moments shred with family and friends.Watch these pictures to cheer up Go for a walk for a few minutes to clear your mind.


    Since inability to control ones anger can have severe repercussions,it should be immediately dealt with.Chhabria shares the follow ways to deal with anger: Talk out your feelings.Timeout: Leave the situation temporarily that is causing the escalation of anger or stopping the discussion that is provoking it.Practice relaxation techniques like listening to music,watching TV or reading a book.Make a list of all the other things you can do instead of behaving angrily.Excuse yourself and leave the situation for a minute,Ill be back in a minute,and return when you are calm.Reframe activity: Ask the other person why they have said something,try and understand them.Ask why do you want me to let you know when Ill be in,why do you say our section is doing less Understand and accept that the events themselves do not produce the feeling of anger,but it is ones interpretations of beliefs about the events.Stop negative thinking: Tell yourself a series of commands to stop thinking the thoughts that are getting you angry I need to stop thinking these thoughts Identify a support mechanism e.g.children,friends,pet,etc.Substitute anger with humour as it helps you see the lighter side of things in life.

    Make a list of all the other things you can do instead of behaving angrily

    Extreme anger can affect menstrual cycles in women

    WATCH YOUR TEMPER: Screaming and losing control is not advisable

    Thanks and Regards, Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.), M:9324225699 : ONLY AUTHENTIC FREE MATRIMONIALS WEBSITE FOR DIGAMBAR JAINS:
    For Issues of Sr. citizens : Issues of Public interests : For harrassed litigansts : For education funds : •Also subscribe to my very popular yahoo group for mails on ahead of time views: Send blank mail to: precious collections:

    Television viewing and rise in mental

    Television viewing and rise in mental problems

    October 2010

    More than two hours a day spent watching television or playing computer games could put a child at greater risk for psychological problems.

    We know that physical activity is good for both physical and mental health in children and there is some evidence that screen viewing is associated with negative behaviour. However, it isn't clear whether having high physical activity levels could 'compensate' for high levels of screen viewing in children.

    Researchers studied more than 1,000 children between the ages of 10 and 11 years in the UK. Over seven days, the children filled out a questionnaire reporting how much time they spent daily in front of a television or computer and answering questions describing their mental state - including emotional, behavioral, and peer-related problems. Meanwhile, an accelerometer measured their physical activity.

    The odds of significant psychological difficulties were about 60 percent higher for children spending longer than two hours a day in front of either screen compared with kids exposed to less screen time. For children with more than two hours of both types of screen time during the day, the odds more than doubled. The effect was seen regardless of sex, age, stage of puberty, or level of educational or economic deprivation.

    Psychological problems further increased if kids fell short of an hour of moderate to rigorous daily exercise in addition to the increased screen time. However, physical activity did not appear to compensate for the psychological consequences of screen time. The researchers also found that sedentary time itself was not related to mental wellbeing.

    It is important to limit television viewing to about an hour per day, or a reduction of at least 50 percent from a kid's starting screen time. This budgeting of children's screen time has profound positive effects on their families' lives.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

    We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

    Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
    marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

    Wednesday, October 20, 2010

    Re: A Chat with Dr. Devi Shetty (Heart Specialist)


    Thanks for useful info.


    Alok Tholiya 


     Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
    (Heart Specialist) Bangalore

    A chat with Dr.Devi Shetty, Narayana Hrudayalaya
    (Heart Specialist) Bangalore was arranged by WIPRO for its employees .
    The transcript of the chat is given below. Useful for everyone.

    Qn: What are the thumb rules for a layman to take care of his heart?
    1. Diet - Less of carbohydrate, more of protein, less oil
    2. Exercise - Half an hour's walk, at least five days a week; avoid lifts and avoid sitting for a longtime
    3. Quit smoking
    4. Control weight
    5. Control blood pressure and sugar

    Qn: Is eating non-veg food (fish) good for the heart?
    Ans: No

    : It's still a grave shock to hear that some apparently healthy person
    gets a cardiac arrest. How do we understand it in perspective?

    Ans: This is called silent attack; that is why we recommend everyone past the age of 30 to undergo routine health checkups.

    Qn: Are heart diseases hereditary?
    Ans: Yes

    Qn: What are the ways in which the heart is stressed? What practices do you suggest to de-stress?
    Ans: Change your attitude towards life. Do not look for perfection in everything in life.

    Qn: Is walking better than jogging or is more intensive exercise required to keep a healthy heart?
    Ans: Walking is better than jogging since jogging leads to early fatigue and injury to joints

    Qn: You have done so much for the poor and needy. What has inspired you to do so?
    Ans: Mother Theresa , who was my patient.

    Qn: Can people with low blood pressure suffer heart diseases?
    Ans: Extremely rare.

    Qn: Does cholesterol accumulates right from an early age
    (I'm currently only 22) or do you have to worry about it only after you are above 30 years of age?

    Ans: Cholesterol accumulates from childhood.

    Qn: How do irregular eating habits affect the heart ?
    Ans: You tend to eat junk food when the habits are irregular and your body's enzyme release for digestion gets confused.

    Qn: How can I control cholesterol content without using medicines?
    Ans: Control diet, walk and eat walnut.

    Qn: Which is the best and worst food for the heart?
    Ans: Fruits and vegetables are the best and the worst is oil.

    Qn: Which oil is better - groundnut, sunflower, olive?
    Ans: All oils are bad .

    Qn: What is the routine checkup one should go through? Is there any specific test?
    Ans: Routine blood test to ensure sugar, cholesterol is ok. Check BP, Treadmill test after an echo.

    Qn: What are the first aid steps to be taken on a heart attack?
    Ans: Help the person into a sleeping position , place an aspirin tablet under the tongue with a sorbitrate tablet if available, and rush him to a coronary care unit since the maximum casualty takes place within the first hour.

    Qn: How do you differentiate between pain caused by a heart attack and that caused due to gastric trouble?
    Ans: Extremely difficult without ECG.

    Qn: What is the main cause of a steep increase in heart problems amongst youngsters? I see people of about 30-40 yrs of age having heart attacks and serious heart problems.
    Ans: Increased awareness has increased incidents. Also, sedentary lifestyles, smoking, junk food, lack of exercise in a country where people are genetically three times more vulnerable for heart attacks than Europeans and Americans.

    Qn: Is it possible for a person to have BP outside the normal range of 120/80 and yet be perfectly healthy?
    Ans: Yes.

    Qn: Marriages within close relatives can lead to heart problems for the child. Is it true?
    Ans : Yes, co-sanguinity leads to congenital abnormalities and you may not have a software engineer as a child

    Qn: Many of us have an irregular daily routine and many a times we have to stay late nights in office. Does this affect our heart ? What precautions would you recommend?
    Ans : When you are young, nature protects you against all these irregularities. However, as you grow older, respect the biological clock.

    Qn: Will taking anti-hypertensive drugs cause some other complications (short / long term)?
    Ans : Yes, most drugs have some side effects. However, modern anti-hypertensive drugs are extremely safe.

    Qn: Will consuming more coffee/tea lead to heart attacks?
    Ans : No.

    Qn: Are asthma patients more prone to heart disease?
    Ans : No.

    Qn: How would you define junk food?
    Ans : Fried food like Kentucky , McDonalds , samosas, and even masala dosas.

    Qn: You mentioned that Indians are three times more vulnerable. What is the reason for this, as Europeans and Americans also eat a lot of junk food?
    Ans: Every race is vulnerable to some disease and unfortunately, Indians are vulnerable for the most expensive disease.

    Qn: Does consuming bananas help reduce hypertension?
    Ans : No.

    Qn: Can a person help himself during a heart attack (Because we see a lot of forwarded emails on this)?
    Ans : Yes. Lie down comfortably and put an aspirin tablet of any description under the tongue and ask someone to take you to the nearest coronary care unit without any delay and do not wait for the ambulance since most of the time, the ambulance does not turn up.

    Qn: Do, in any way, low white blood cells and low hemoglobin count lead to heart problems?
    Ans : No. But it is ideal to have normal hemoglobin level to increase your exercise capacity.

    Qn: Sometimes, due to the hectic schedule we are not able to exercise. So, does walking while doing daily chores at home or climbing the stairs in the house, work as a substitute for exercise?
    Ans : Certainly. Avoid sitting continuously for more than half an hour and even the act of getting out of the chair and going to another chair and sitting helps a lot.

    Qn: Is there a relation between heart problems and blood sugar?
    Ans: Yes. A strong relationship since diabetics are more vulnerable to heart attacks than non-diabetics.

    Qn: What are the things one needs to take care of after a heart operation?
    Ans : Diet, exercise, drugs on time , Control cholesterol, BP, weight.

    Qn: Are people working on night shifts more vulnerable to heart disease when compared to day shift workers?
    Ans : No.

    Qn: What are the modern anti-hypertensive drugs?
    Ans : There are hundreds of drugs and your doctor will chose the right combination for your problem, but my suggestion is to avoid the drugs and go for natural ways of controlling blood pressure by walk, diet to
    reduce weight and changing attitudes towards lifestyles.

    Qn: Does dispirin or similar headache pills increase the risk of heart attacks?
    Ans : No.

    Qn: Why is the rate of heart attacks more in men than in women?
    Ans : Nature protects women till the age of 45. (Present Global census show that the Percentage of heart disease in women has increased than in men )

     Qn: How can one keep the heart in a good condition?
    Ans : Eat a healthy diet, avoid junk food, exercise everyday, do not smoke and, go for health checkup s if you are past the age of 30 ( once in six months recommended) ....


     Please, don't hoard knowledge.  It takes sharing of knowledge to discover and understand the world in which we live. Please, send it to all your friends and enemies....... They might benefit as well…… _.___

    Sunday, October 17, 2010

    Low Testosterone Linked to Alzheimer’s Risk

    Low Testosterone Linked to Alzheimer's Risk

    Study Shows Low Levels of the Male Sex Hormone May Be a Predictor of Cognitive Decline
    By Salynn Boyles
    WebMD Health News

    profile of senior man thinking

    Oct. 8, 2010 -- Low testosterone levels in older men with memory problems may signal progression to Alzheimer's disease or even increase the risk for developing age-related dementia.


    My dear Buffalos and cows pl. coperate as men and women can not........

    Confidential mail to all milk producing animals. Pl. fwd to them if it reaches you by mistake:
    Pl.note that Diwali has come. The demand for sweets and other milk products will be 100 times more then the normal time. So u will have to work over time and produce 100 times more milk so we can have more ghee, milk shakes,butter, sweets, milk chokelets, bengali sweets, rabdi etc.etc..
    I have been making this request to you, The hon. cows and buffelows for years but you have totally failed to comply with my requests.Why dont u undestand that now our modern house wives dont want to make sweets and snacks for diwali at home. Also pl. understand our bureacrts from FDA, weights and measuremnts,anti adultration dept, quality control dept have diwali too. They want huge bribes for another posh bunglow,foreign travel, gold purchase etc etc so then they r coxing vyapari to produce bogus mava,adultare milk and ghee etc.etc. Why dont y realise so many children, women, old and others will be falling sick,having gastro problem, infections,hyper acidity due to bad quality of mass food production and bad hygine in all these places of manufecture and bad hygine of laboureres where diwali food items r produced but packed in very attrcative boxes and sold from well decorated shops. So whatever the consequnces but sweets will be distributed/ gifted  and eaten.
    We have also imported hundreds of containers of sweets ( though of veru unhealthy quality) from China.It helps importers,customs officers and doctors and hospitals in becoming rich but more then that it makes China rich who wants to take over Arunachala pradesh and other areas).
    Pl. note that when educated man women dont understand then you as good animal should underst. I once again call upon you with folded hands to produce 100 times more milk then your daily capacity. Pl. bear with the modern diwali celebrities and house wives who can not understand and will continue to poison near and dear ones by buying and distibuting adultereted sweets and snacks. 
    Media will be happy to cover the sad news aftereffects of diwali and not of cautioning to avoid accidents and illness.
    So u see so many people benefit.
    Pl. excuse as no time for improving this mail as familyis waiting for lunch for half an hour.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

    We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

    Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
    marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

    Friday, October 15, 2010

    Fat cells can convert testosterone to estrogen

    Fat cells can convert testosterone to estrogen and this can also contribute to a low testosterone and thereby affect your sex drive and erectile function.

    Read more at:

    Thanks and Regards,
    Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

    We offer free ( against deposit) wheel chair,patients Fowler bed,tripods, sticks,walker etc..

    Marigold developers: for home loans and best properties
    marigold Mini Party hall at santacruz

    Thursday, October 14, 2010

    FW: [menow] FW: Healthy bowel movements


    Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2010 18:36:31 +0530
    Subject: [menow] FW: Healthy bowel movements



    Question #1: How long does it take you to have a bowel movement?
    Less than 60 seconds
     More than two minutes 
    Answer: Healthy bowel movements happen within seconds of sitting on the toilet. Stool should easily come out without straining, grunting, or any discomfort. It should have the consistency of toothpaste. If you have time to read a newspaper while sitting on the toilet—you probably have a problem with constipation or poor bowel health.

    Question #2: Does your stool sink immediately?
    Answer: Fast sinking stool is a sign of a fiber deficiency in your diet. Healthy stool should slowly descend to the bottom of the toilet bowl. If you have a "fast sinker"—add more fiber-rich foods to your diet. These include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
    If your stool sticks to the sides of the toilet or leaves "streak marks"—that's a sign of excess fat in your stool. This can be caused by a poor diet or a sluggish liver.


    Question #3: What is the shape of your stool?
    Long like a banana
     Round, hard pellets
     Thin, pencil–shaped 
    Answer: Healthy stool averages about four to six inches long and shaped like a banana or a torpedo.
    Very narrow, pencil-shaped stool is a sign your colon walls are impacted or you have polyps or growth on the inside of your colon or rectum. This causes the stool to squeeze to get through. Stress can also create narrow stool.
    Hard, round, or pellet-shaped stool is a possible sign of poor liver function, lack of exercise, dehydration, or constipation.


    Question #4: Is your stool accompanied by foul odor?
    Answer: Gas or odor is a sign of a bacterial imbalance in your intestinal flora. The "bad" bacteria release foul-smelling gases and toxins that can cramp your colon and create embarrassing odors.
    You can eliminate this odor by removing debris and encrusted feces from the walls of your intestines and restoring the balance in your intestinal flora.


    Question #5: What color is your stool?
     Bright red 
    Answer: According the Mayo Clinic research, all shades of brown and even green are considered normal stool colors. And the foods you eat can affect the color of your stool. For example, beets, tomato juice, blueberries, popsicles, and green leafy vegetables can affect your stool color. However, a distinct change in stool color can be a warning sign for health problems.
    Yellow-colored stool indicates your food is moving too quickly through your digestive tract—as in the case of diarrhea. If stool is greasy or foul-smelling, it may indicate excess fat caused by malabsorption of nutrients.
    Green-colored stool means your food isn't properly being processed through your intestines. As a result, bile isn't broken down—and gives your stool that green color. Green stool can also mean you're eating too much sugar, and not enough grains or salt.
    Gray or ashy colored stool indicates undigested fats or heavy use of prescription or over-the-counter drugs that contain aluminum hydroxide. It can also indicate a lack of bile in stool that may be caused by a bile duct obstruction or a liver problem.
    Black stool is a serious warning sign for bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract—possibly the stomach.
    Bright red stool may indicate bleeding in the lower intestinal tract—possibly the large intestine or rectum. Hemorrhoids are usually the source of the bleeding.


    Question #6: Do you pass gas while you're having a bowel movement
    or have you noticed air or bubbles in your stool?
    Answer: Air or bubbles in stool can indicate an intestinal imbalance. Gas producing bacteria may be overgrowing and competing with the healthier flora in your gut.
    Please know this: A normal bowel movement happens within 60 seconds of sitting on the toilet. There should be no straining, pain, bleeding or foul odor accompanied with your bowel movements. And wiping afterwards should be easy and simple—using just one or two pieces of toilet paper!


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