Thursday, July 25, 2013

Shifting Navel or Naval Displacement or Belly button shifting

Shifting Navel

Swami Mahatmananda Saraswati

A particular problem which as yet is unrecognised by allopathy, homeopathy and other sciences of healing is the navel which 'moves'. Just as a misalignment may occur within the spinal cord, so a misalignment of the navel and stomach muscles (rectus abdominus) may also occur. The displacement is caused by similar activity i.e. picking up heavy objects, a sudden twisting or bending movement, sexual activity. After the navel has shifted once, it is a problem which occurs frequently thereafter unless yogic precautionary practices are started.
In most cases the navel will take a move in either an upward or downward direction, sometimes a sideways movement is also noticeable- The displacement is directly connected with the navel, nerves, stomach muscles and movement of prana, and will affect each of these in some manner. The misalignment may be detected by using string to measure the distance from the large toe of both feet to the navel centre. If there is a difference in the length of these two measurements it indicates a removal from the norm. The original position can also be detected in some people by feeling for a pulse in the area. If the pulse and navel are together, the position is correct. Where pulse is to be found, in the case of a misaligned navel, it indicates the correct position. However, when measuring the position with string, care should be taken to ensure that the body is correctly aligned. In man, the measurement can be taken from the nipples of the chest to the navel.
The problem is said to occur more in women and may produce unaccountable menstrual pain and excessive or scanty bleeding. The ailments caused by this particular trouble usually involve only the abdominal area. As it also affects the movement of prana and apana, symptoms will vary according to the direction of movement. For instance, if the navel has moved up, there is good chance of constipation, vomiting or feeling of nausea. If the movement is down then diarrhoea will exist. Whichever way it moves, there is always pain in the abdominal area which may extend into the back, buttocks, thighs and calves.
Treatments of allopathy, homeopathy, naturopathy are normally ineffective as this ailment remains unrecognised and therefore un-diagnosable. Many 'mystery' troubles of the abdominal region are attributable to this navel shift.
One man suffering from constipation and stomach pain for five years had travelled half of India for a cure, had 90 X-rays and nearly every treatment he could find, but with no relief from any.
Correct yogic treatment will eliminate this trouble within a short period, sometimes 3 to 4 days. The previously mentioned sufferer had tried yogic practices but was incorrectly advised. The pain in his abdomen spread to his back and further limited his physical movement and stiffened his walking. After 6 days of correct yogic treatment his cure was complete.
No forward bending asanas can be practised excepting shashankasana and marjariasana in some cases. The asanas should be mainly those which give equal backward stretch to the rectus abdominus muscles. Asanas such as bhujangasana, matsyasana, kandharasana, supta vajrasana, chakrasana, dhanurasana, makarasana, naukasana, matsyakridasana, will give relief. Shankhaprakshalana asanas can also be effective.
After cure, practice of these asanas should continue so that stomach and back muscles strengthen and prevent further recurrence.
Some other methods of treatment are massage to the abdomen by one who knows the trouble, otherwise again further damage will result. Another massage technique is applied to different areas of the legs, corresponding to acupuncture points. When this method is used, a piece of string is tied around the big toe 'to keep things in place'. Another method involves a herbal pack placed on the stomach. These latter methods are local Indian methods usually found in the villages. They provide good treatment but fail to prevent recurrence. They may be used successfully in conjunction with asanas.

NAVEL; how to balance navel center 

According to yogic science there are nine main opening centers in the body, calledchakra. Among these centers, manipur or navel chakras plays great role in the human body. It is placed at navel portion. The network of all the main nerves of the body get accumulated at three places, they are brain, heart and navel. As per some experts navel is also known as the second brain of our body. It plays an important role for circulating, development and circulation of the human body.   
In the yoga science at the end of human being (death), heart stops beating immediately but the vital energy of navel alive five to six minute even after death. . If an experienced person is able to establish contact between vital life energy of navel and heart then there is a chance of saving one’s life.
If the navel is dislocated, the person looses the natural energy of the body and mind. Production of semen reduces very fast during unhealthy navel. Impotency may come due to this dislocated navel.  
I have seen in my experience that major cause of navel shifting is; excess vata and emotional stress. If vata is imbalanced in the body then navel will be shifted and unmanageable stress.
The person complains of pain and tension on the right upper side of the body and this could affect the liver, gall bladder, abdomen and right kidney. Sometimes the person also complains of pain in lumbar region (waist part) or left leg.
It affects the right side of the body. It causes stiffness in kidneys, intestines along with pain.
WHEN NAVEL SHIFTS TOWARDS LEFT SIDE:It causes pain, tension and stiffness in the right lower part of the body. It affects the pancreas, spleen and left kidney. It could also lead to menstrual disorders in women.
When navel shifts towards right side: It causes pain and tension on the lower side of the body. It affects liver, gall bladder, and left kidney along with intestinal problems. 
YOGIC CURENavel can be corrected with Yoga practice also. Practice Shalabh Asana, Purna Shalabh Asana, Dhanur Asana, Boat Pose, Tada Asana and Matsy Asana to maintain the correct position of navel. Uttanapadasana: Lie down and relax the body. Raise the legs up to 30, 45 and 60 degrees in three instances. Breathe in while going up and breath out while coming down. Do not bend the legs at knees, stretch out the toes completely. This can be done with one leg at a time or both legs simultaneously. Dhanurasana: Lie down on stomach and hold the ankles with both hands. The shape of the body in this position looks like a bow, hence the name Dhanurasana. Sometimes this asana is also done sitting in Vajrasana and bending backwards to hold the ankles. Do Poorak and raise the navel area. Then raise the legs and hands up to one foot. Raise the chest and head forwards. Bring down the hands and legs when you want to breath in. Sit straight and stretch the legs. Bend the right leg and place it on the left knee. Try to touch the floor with right knee, repeat it at least five times but do not do in excess. Similarly repeat it with the left knee. This exercise is useful for balancing the navel.

Navel Introduction Each part of the body has its own importance. Navel is a very important part among them. It is considered to be the centre of all the organs of the body. If the body be divided in two the navel will fall at the centre. About 7 cm. beneath the navel an egg shaped lump of flesh is there. From there 72864 nerves are spread all over the body. It is normally pulled by some tissues, which keep it in its place. If for any reason these tissues get pulled then the navel gets displaced. It gets drawn towards the tissue due to which it has got pulled. Consquently various ailments crop up.

Reason for displacement of Navel generally it is seen in childhood, navel is displaced due to various reason. While playing, running ,climbing the stairs, lifting weight with a jerk also leads to the navel getting displaced. Those person who put more pressure on one foot while standing or pressurise one side while lifting a weight, then the navel gets displaced to that side. For various reasons if there is jerk on one foot then the possibilty of navel getting displaced on the other side. Generally it is seen that men have their navel displaced on the left side and women on the right side. There is no solid basic for its displacement.

Symptoms of Displacement of Navel if the navel is displaced upward then the following diseases occur梒onstipation, heart trouble palpitation etc. If the navel is displaced downward then it causes loose motions, night fall, indigestion etc, If it is displaced to side then there is stomach aches.
Similarily women get various dieases due to displacement of navel (e.g. Leucorrhoea Dysmenorrhoea), complications of the uterus and irregular menstruation) due to which crippled, short lived issue, barrenness, is caused and other ailments occur. Generally displacement of navel is considered normal. But when it aquires serious dimentions then it cannot be cured by modem medicine even. But Yogic exercise can easily rectify it.
Test for Navel displacementif the navel is displaced in case of .a man or woman make him or her do Uttanpadasana and then lie down in shavasana. Sit next to the patient in kaagasana.Then bring all the five fingers together and place the tip of the fingers on navel of that person, if throbbing is felt right under the navel then the navel is in its place., If it is felt above or below, to the right or left it may be known that the navel it displaced at that point.
To confirm this, one could take a thread tie it on your index finger of the right hand and place it on the navel and then the other side of the thread be held with the left hand and taken upto the left nipple of the patient, thereafter carefully measure the right nipple with the thread. If the thread falls short then it may be known that the navel is displaced upward and if it is bigger then it may be confirmed that the navel is displaced downwards.
Note in case of women the test be done by taking the thread from the navel to the toes of the feet.
Ways of setting it right on ones own
(1) For this do uttanpadasana then dhanurasana and chakrasana followed by matsyasana.
1.Uttanpadasana 2.Dhanurasana 3.Chakrasana 4.Matsyasana
(2) Do following exercises.
1.Lie on the back, have a distance of one foot between the feet, and fold the knees. Spread both the hands like feathers. Now turn both the knees to the left on the ground . In this position the right knee will touch the heel of the left foot. Turn the head to the right side on the ground. Now do its reverse. That is turn both knees to the right on the ground so that left knee touches the right heel and simultanesouly turn the head to the left side. Repeat it ten-ten times.

2.Now do the above exercise with both knees and feet together touch both the knees on the ground to the left side then right knee will be on the left and the head will remainturned to the right side. Now do its reverse both knees should be turned to the right side on the ground with the left knee on the right one and the head will be to the left side on the ground. Repeat it ten times.

(3) Put a dari or a blanket on the floor. Take a plastic ball under your navel and lie over it for four five minutes. Then turn and get up to sit. After eating a fruit stand up.
Note one who practices uttanpadasana has his navel always in place.


Nikhil Rawat said...
I ve done these things & lots of other things but still I didnt find any cure for this problem. I want to contact any person who can cure me.
Dr Pradeep Chaturvedi said...
It can be done where r u living
contach on

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Just 20 minutes of yoga significantly improves brain function

Just 20 minutes of yoga significantly improves brain function
Yoga Vs Aerobic [It took 5000 years for Modern world to rediscover importance of Yoga. This shows that our ancestors were more knowledgeable then us.]

WASHINGTON: A new study has suggested that doing yoga for as little as 20 minutes may be able to boost your brain power.

Researchers found that subjects who participated in a single yoga session had better speed and accuracy scores on working memory and inhibitory control tests than after they tried an aerobic exercise session of the same length.

These tests are indicative of a person's ability to maintain focus, as well as absorb and remember new information, and aerobic exercises had previously been shown to boost scores in those areas.

In a press release, lead author Neha Gothe, a professor of kinesiology, health and sport studies atWayne State University in Detroit, explained that Yoga is an ancient Indian science and way of life that includes not only physical movements and postures but also regulated breathing and meditation.
Thought the practice involves an active attentional or mindfulness component, she said, its potential benefits have not been thoroughly explored.
In the study, 30 female undergraduate students were instructed to do a 20-minute session of Hatha yoga, which involved seated, standing and supine positions. The exercises involved relaxing different muscle groups, regulated breathing and isometric contractions, meaning the joint angle or the muscle length does not change during the process. Meditation and deep breathing were also involved.

The subjects were also instructed to complete a 20-minute aerobic exercise where they walked or jogged on a treadmill. The incline and speed was adjusted until the person maintained a 60 to 70 per cent maximum heart rate which had previously been shown to stimulate cognitive abilities in other studies throughout the session.

But no significant improvements on working memory and inhibitory control scores were seen after the aerobic exercise session.
On the other hand, right after the yoga session people improved their reaction times and accuracy on the tests.

Gothe said that that following yoga practice, it appears that the participants were better able to focus their mental resources, process information quickly, more accurately and also learn, hold and update pieces of information more effectively than after performing an aerobic exercise bout.
The breathing and meditative exercises aim at calming the mind and body and keeping distracting thoughts away while you focus on your body, posture or breath, Gothe explained.

She thinks these processes translate beyond yoga practice when people try to perform mental tasks or day-to-day activities.
Gothe hypothesized that improving one's self-awareness through yoga's meditation exercise, as well as reducing anxiety and stress through the session may have boosted performance.

The study was published in the Journal of Physical Activity and Health.

Rub Your Stomach Away

Rub Your Stomach Away in 2 Minutes a Day?

Did You Know that you can rub your stomach away effortlessly using nothing but your hand for only 2 minutes a day?

After spending a lovely long weekend at Center Parcs, it was fascinating to observe just how many people seemed to be battling the bulge - especially that bulge around the middle!

I love this simple idea of rubbing your stomach away in 2 minutes a day a good habit to add to your daily routine dont you think?

1) Lie flat on your back on your bed or on the floor. Take your top off
or pull it up so that your abdominal area is bare.

2) Rub your hands together vigorously for about 15 seconds,
or until they feel hot. Rub Stomach Away

3) Place one of your hands directly on your belly button and begin to rub in small
circles around your belly button, and gradually make the circles larger
(as shown in the diagram). Use fairly firm but comfortable pressure and rub
at a slow, even pace, approximately 1 circle per second.

4) Concentrate on the heat building up in, around and throughout your stomach.

5) Do about 40 to 50 circles, or for an approximate duration of 2 minutes or more.
Note:It is important to keep the abdominal area warm while doing the exercise,
especially during winter months when even heated indoor air tends to be cool.

For best results, do this routine twice a day for 2 minutes  first thing in the morning (before breakfast) and just before you go to bed. Most people see noticeable results within 1 week of consistent practice.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the stomach is the center of energy. Massaging the stomach in the manner described above therefore accomplishes more than just melting away adipose tissue (fat). It also stimulates the abdominal organs helps speed up slow digestion and remedies constipation increases blood circulation in the abdominal area
helps heal indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and the adverse effects of overeating 
Caution:The stomach massage should not be practiced immediately after a heavy meal.
Neither is it advisable for women who are pregnant, or have inflammation of the uterus, bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes; and individuals who have the following conditions: hypertension; stones in the gall bladder, kidneys or bladder; general, femoral, inguinal and umbilical hernia; bleeding of the stomach, lungs or brain; or ulcers of the intestines and stomach.



A research has revealed that the regular exposure to sunlight aids body to build up resistance to ultraviolet rays and also protects body from detrimental effects of UV rays in future. As per some studies, sufficient sunlight acts as an ideal exercise for heart as it keeps heart healthy by strengthening cardiovascular system. You need sunlight according to your skin pigmentation. For instance if your skin is darker then you require comparatively more sun exposure than lighter or fairer skin. Your feelings will be changed from dislike to likeness of sunlight after reviewing following merits.
Health Benefits of Sun Rays:
1. Provide Vitamin D
This is one of the major advantages of Sun rays. Accumulations of cholesterol-like substance, ergosterol which is present beneath the skin transfers into Vitamin D hormone when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D lowers the amount of cholesterol in blood and helps in heart problems. It also protects from many types of cancers. Sunlight stimulates body to produce vitamin D which gives strength to bones by increasing absorption of calcium in intestine as well as conveying it across cell membranes. Studies suggest keeping face, hands and legs in contact with sunlight at least for 10 minutes every day to gain adequate Vitamin D.
2. Strengthens immune system
Staying in sunshine enhances the generation of White Blood Cells (WBC) which kill germs like bacteria and viruses. WBC also supports to fight against other toxic compounds in body and boost our immunity. Sunshine increases oxygen carrying capacity of Red Blood Cells. So, it prevents the body from various infections as well as diseases. As per study of University of California-San Diego School of Medicine, sunlight increases immunity as it helps to cure wounds. The fact is that wounds lead the immune system within skin cells to raise synthesis of vitamin D3. The genes managed by vitamin D3 allow further production of antimicrobial peptide, cathelicidin which aids immunity to compete with infections.
3. Gives resistance power to Skin
While too much exposure of sunshine can lead to skin cancer, moderate amount of sunlight offers many merits to skin. It heals several skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne, eczema as well as skin infections. Sun rays may also prevent skin cancer. As the results of study that published in Journal of National Cancer Institute, exposure to sunshine actually lessens the risk of skin cancer have confused scientists. Vitamin D from sunlight indeed controls the growth of cancer cells by impairing their proliferation.
4. Improves your mood
Sunlight controls mood alteration through promoting synthesis of Serotonin, one of the neurotransmitters in brain that affect mood. High level of serotonin helps the brain in focusing and to keep positive prospective. Sunlight promotes the release of tryptamines from pineal gland that improves mood. Moreover, sun rays serves naturally as anti-depressant by releasing endorphin. Moderate exposure of sunlight refreshes you and provides the sense of well being.
5. Provides better functioning of cardiovascular system
Sunlight is beneficial for hypertensive patients as it regulates blood circulation through dilating arteries. So that blood cells get more nutrition and oxygen. Exercising in sunshine fortifies heart and let it to rest more as heart pumps more blood into vessels. Exposure to sun rays alone can reduce the risk of blood pressure by 8% and 15% when associates with physical exercise. It also prevents heart attacks by lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterols in the body.
6. Helpful in Diabetes
It has been found in a new study that enough introduction to sunshine and adequate amount of vitamin D play vital role in the prevention of type 2 diabetes in people. According to some researchers, sunlight also controls blood sugar level. Vitamin D from sun rays regulates pancreatic beta cells which secret insulin and ultimately helps in maintaining blood sugar level.
7. Cancer Prevention
Earlier, doctors recommended that prolonged sunlight exposure causes cancer but today a new study has claimed that insufficient sunshine can be blamed for cancer. Vitamin D from sunbathe decreases the risk of some cancers such as breast, lymphoma, colon, ovary and prostate cancer. Moreover, 70% of Americans have been recognized with vitamin D deficiency. It has been proposed in current evidence that if all Americans receive adequate amount of sunshine then the figure of cancers diagnosed per year would decline by 200,000 and number of deaths due to cancer may go down by around 63,000 per annum.
8. Modifies sleep patterns
Studies have revealed that the sunlight aids to set body’s biological clock in brain and maintain it on track. So, it tells us when to sleep and wake up. Saint Louis University School of Medicine is discovering the link between natural sunshine and sleep patterns. Dr. Gammack, principal investigator for this study told that former research demonstrated the relation between morning as well as afternoon sunlight therapy and better sleeping.
9. Eliminates toxic substances
Sunlight exposure enhances the functioning of liver which filters and removes wastes from body. It also helps to wipe out toxic chemicals like mercury, benzene, cobalt, lead, manganese, cadmium and pesticides which we swallow from impure water or polluted air. Additionally, body can eliminate waste substances more efficiently due to increased blood circulation. UV rays of sun boost the generation of enzymes in body that eradicate toxic compounds through metabolizing them.
10. Increases metabolism
Sun rays encourage thyroid gland which in turn speed up the body’s basal metabolism rate and utilizes large extent of calories. It helps to lose weight and strengthens muscles. At least 15 minutes sunbathe regularly can keep you healthy.