Tuesday, November 4, 2014

What You Ought To Know About The Sunshine Vitamin

Did you know that Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for our body?
Then why do most of us don’t get enough of it?
Vitamin D is actually a hormone made by our body as we are exposed to the sunlight? And that’s why Vitamin D is called the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin is an essential nutrient that has several important functions in the body.
  • Vitamin D helps our body absorb the amount of calcium and phosphorus (minerals) it needs to form strong bones
  • Increases Bone density
  • Helps with body’s bone development and muscle function
  • Known to help prevent heart disease, and certain types of cancer, including those that affect the breast, colon, and ovaries
  • Essential to the regulation of cell growth activity
  • It can even help to reduce inflammation
Vitamin D is made in the skin under the influence of sunlight. Vitamin D is formed when our skin is exposed to UVB radiation from the sun. It is the most natural way to obtain the Vitamin. It takes 48 hours for the vitamin to get absorbed into our blood stream. After which the vitamin levels in our body gets elevated. The amount of sunlight required varies from person to person and is dependent on the skin color, the ideal time of the year what time in the day it is. In peak summer, when the sun’s rays are direct even a few minutes of standing in the sunlight is sufficient. The amount of absorption also reduces with age. Despite the ability to get vitamin D from food and the sun, it is found that most adults are deficient. However, prolonged exposure to sun is not advised.
Next to sun, the important source of vitamin D is foods, where it may occur naturally. The richest food sources of Vitamin D include the following:
  • Salmon, Tuna fish, Mackerel
  • Mushrooms
  • Egg yolk
  • Milk
  • Orange juice
Including Vitamin D fortified foods also in your diet is a must. When buying cereals or dairy products you can check the nutritional information. Reading food labels is of great help here.
Consumption of excess sugar, caffeine and alcohol interferes with the normal metabolism of the vitamin. Therefore it should be consumed minimally to enhance the absorption.
If you can’t get enough Vitamin D from your diet, you can get all the Vitamin D you need from Vitamin D3 supplements.
Vitamin D deficiency is likely to play an important role in the very high prevalence of Rickets in children and Osteomalacia in adults.
In the absence of Vitamin D, one notices symptoms such as bone pain and muscle weakness. The symptoms usually are subtle and might go unnoticed also at times until the vitamin deficiency becomes more severe.
Muscle cramps and weakness, low immunity, fatigue, blood sugar problems, achiness in bones and muscles are all signs of the deficiency. If left untreated or commonly overlooked, it can lead to serious health problems such as:
  • Osteopenia or osteoporosis
  • Rickets in children
  • Contracting the cold or the flu (weakened immune system)
  • Asthma
  • Tuberculosis
  • Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease (high blood pressure and/or congestive heart failure)
  • Cancer
Inadequate exposure to sunlight, digestive problems, kidney and liver disorders and insufficient intake of Vitamin D rich foods are all reasons that cause the deficiency of this most essential nutrient.
Take a proactive approach that’ll help to prevent and avoid these chronic diseases associated with Vitamin D deficiency.

Taken from: http://blog.nirogam.com/know-sunshine-vitamin/

Monday, November 3, 2014


अलसी - एक चमत्कारी आयुवर्धक, आरोग्यवर्धक दैविक भोजन
- जब से परिष्कृत यानी “रिफाइन्ड तेल” (जो बनते समय उच्च तापमान, हेग्जेन, कास्टिक सोडा, फोस्फोरिक एसिड, ब्लीचिंग क्ले आदि घातक रसायनों के संपर्क से गुजरता है), ट्रांसफेट युक्त पूर्ण या आंशिक हाइड्रोजिनेटेड वसा यानी वनस्पति घी (जिसका प्रयोग सभी पैकेट बंद खाद्य पदार्थों व बेकरी उत्पादनों में धड़ल्ले से किया जाता है), रासायनिक खाद, कीटनाशक, प्रिजर्वेटिव, रंग, रसायन आदि का प्रयोग बढ़ा है तभी से डायबिटीज के रोगियों की संख्या बढ़ी है। हलवाई और भोजनालय भी वनस्पति घी या रिफाइन्ड तेल का प्रयोग भरपूर प्रयोग करते हैं और व्यंजनों को तलने के लिए तेल को बार-बार गर्म करते हैं जिससे वह जहर से भी बदतर हो जाता है। शोधकर्ता इन्ही को डायबिटीज का प्रमुख कारण मानते हैं। पिछले तीन-चार दशकों से हमारे भोजन में ओमेगा-3 वसा अम्ल की मात्रा बहुत ही कम हो गई है और इस कारण हमारे शरीर में ओमेगा-3 व ओमेगा-6 वसा अम्ल यानी हिंदी में कहें तो ॐ-3 और ॐ-6 वसा अम्लों का अनुपात 1:40 या 1:80 हो गया है जबकि यह 1:1 होना चाहिये। यह भी डायबिटीज का एक बड़ा कारण है। डायबिटीज के नियंत्रण हेतु आयुवर्धक, आरोग्यवर्धक व दैविक भोजन अलसी को “अमृत“ तुल्य माना गया है।
अलसी शरीर को स्वस्थ रखती है व आयु बढ़ाती है। अलसी में 23 प्रतिशत ओमेगा-3 फेटी एसिड, 20 प्रतिशत प्रोटीन, 27 प्रतिशत फाइबर, लिगनेन, विटामिन बी ग्रुप, सेलेनियम, पोटेशियम, मेगनीशियम, जिंक आदि होते हैं। सम्पूर्ण विश्व ने अलसी को सुपर स्टार फूड के रूप में स्वीकार कर लिया है और इसे आहार का अंग बना लिया है, लेकिन हमारे देश की स्थिति बिलकुल विपरीत है । अलसी को अतसी, उमा, क्षुमा, पार्वती, नीलपुष्पी, तीसी आदि नामों से भी पुकारा जाता है। अलसी दुर्गा का पांचवा स्वरूप है। प्राचीनकाल में नवरात्री के पांचवे दिन स्कंदमाता यानी अलसी की पूजा की जाती थी और इसे प्रसाद के रूप में खाया जाता था। जिससे वात, पित्त और कफ तीनों रोग दूर होते है।
- ओमेगा-3 हमारे शरीर की सारी कोशिकाओं, उनके न्युक्लियस, माइटोकोन्ड्रिया आदि संरचनाओं के बाहरी खोल या झिल्लियों का महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा होता है। यही इन झिल्लियों को वांछित तरलता, कोमलता और पारगम्यता प्रदान करता है। ओमेगा-3 का अभाव होने पर शरीर में जब हमारे शरीर में ओमेगा-3 की कमी हो जाती है तो ये भित्तियां मुलायम व लचीले ओमेगा-3 के स्थान पर कठोर व कुरुप ओमेगा-6 फैट या ट्रांस फैट से बनती है, ओमेगा-3 और ओमेगा-6 का संतुलन बिगड़ जाता है, प्रदाहकारी प्रोस्टाग्लेंडिन्स बनने लगते हैं, हमारी कोशिकाएं इन्फ्लेम हो जाती हैं, सुलगने लगती हैं और यहीं से ब्लडप्रेशर, डायबिटीज, मोटापा, डिप्रेशन, आर्थ्राइटिस और कैंसर आदि रोगों की शुरूवात हो जाती है।
- आयुर्वेद के अनुसार हर रोग की जड़ पेट है और पेट साफ रखने में यह इसबगोल से भी ज्यादा प्रभावशाली है। आई.बी.एस., अल्सरेटिव कोलाइटिस, अपच, बवासीर, मस्से आदि का भी उपचार करती है अलसी।
- अलसी शर्करा ही नियंत्रित नहीं रखती, बल्कि मधुमेह के दुष्प्रभावों से सुरक्षा और उपचार भी करती है। अलसी में रेशे भरपूर 27% पर शर्करा 1.8% यानी नगण्य होती है। इसलिए यह शून्य-शर्करा आहार कहलाती है और मधुमेह के लिए आदर्श आहार है। अलसी बी.एम.आर. बढ़ाती है, खाने की ललक कम करती है, चर्बी कम करती है, शक्ति व स्टेमिना बढ़ाती है, आलस्य दूर करती है और वजन कम करने में सहायता करती है। चूँकि ओमेगा-3 और प्रोटीन मांस-पेशियों का विकास करते हैं अतः बॉडी बिल्डिंग के लिये भी नम्बर वन सप्लीमेन्ट है अलसी।
- अलसी कॉलेस्ट्रॉल, ब्लड प्रेशर और हृदयगति को सही रखती है। रक्त को पतला बनाये रखती है अलसी। रक्तवाहिकाओं को साफ करती रहती है अलसी।
- अलसी एक फीलगुड फूड है, क्योंकि अलसी से मन प्रसन्न रहता है, झुंझलाहट या क्रोध नहीं आता है, पॉजिटिव एटिट्यूड बना रहता है यह आपके तन, मन और आत्मा को शांत और सौम्य कर देती है। अलसी के सेवन से मनुष्य लालच, ईर्ष्या, द्वेश और अहंकार छोड़ देता है। इच्छाशक्ति, धैर्य, विवेकशीलता बढ़ने लगती है, पूर्वाभास जैसी शक्तियाँ विकसित होने लगती हैं। इसीलिए अलसी देवताओं का प्रिय भोजन थी। यह एक प्राकृतिक वातानुकूलित भोजन है।
- सिम का मतलब सेरीन या शांति, इमेजिनेशन या कल्पनाशीलता और मेमोरी या स्मरणशक्ति तथा कार्ड का मतलब कन्सन्ट्रेशन या एकाग्रता, क्रियेटिविटी या सृजनशीलता, अलर्टनेट या सतर्कता, रीडिंग या राईटिंग थिंकिंग एबिलिटी या शैक्षणिक क्षमता और डिवाइन या दिव्य है।
- त्वचा, केश और नाखुनों का नवीनीकरण या जीर्णोद्धार करती है अलसी। अलसी के शक्तिशाली एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट ओमेगा-3 व लिगनेन त्वचा के कोलेजन की रक्षा करते हैं और त्वचा को आकर्षक, कोमल, नम, बेदाग व गोरा बनाते हैं। अलसी सुरक्षित, स्थाई और उत्कृष्ट भोज्य सौंदर्य प्रसाधन है जो त्वचा में अंदर से निखार लाता है। त्वचा, केश और नाखून के हर रोग जैसे मुहांसे, एग्ज़ीमा, दाद, खाज, खुजली, सूखी त्वचा, सोरायसिस, ल्यूपस, डेन्ड्रफ, बालों का सूखा, पतला या दोमुंहा होना, बाल झड़ना आदि का उपचार है अलसी। चिर यौवन का स्रोता है अलसी। बालों का काला हो जाना या नये बाल आ जाना जैसे चमत्कार भी कर देती है अलसी। किशोरावस्था में अलसी के सेवन करने से कद बढ़ता है।
- लिगनेन का सबसे बड़ा स्रोत अलसी ही है जो जीवाणुरोधी, विषाणुरोधी, फफूंदरोधी और कैंसररोधी है। अलसी शरीर की रक्षा प्रणाली को सुदृढ़ कर शरीर को बाहरी संक्रमण या आघात से लड़ने में मदद करती हैं और शक्तिशाली एंटी-आक्सीडेंट है। लिगनेन वनस्पति जगत में पाये जाने वाला एक उभरता हुआ सात सितारा पोषक तत्व है जो स्त्री हार्मोन ईस्ट्रोजन का वानस्पतिक प्रतिरूप है और नारी जीवन की विभिन्न अवस्थाओं जैसे रजस्वला, गर्भावस्था, प्रसव, मातृत्व और रजोनिवृत्ति में विभिन्न हार्मोन्स् का समुचित संतुलन रखता है। लिगनेन मासिकधर्म को नियमित और संतुलित रखता है। लिगनेन रजोनिवृत्ति जनित-कष्ट और अभ्यस्त गर्भपात का प्राकृतिक उपचार है। लिगनेन दुग्धवर्धक है। लिगनेन स्तन, बच्चेदानी, आंत, प्रोस्टेट, त्वचा व अन्य सभी कैंसर, एड्स, स्वाइन फ्लू तथा एंलार्ज प्रोस्टेट आदि बीमारियों से बचाव व उपचार करता है।
- जोड़ की हर तकलीफ का तोड़ है अलसी। जॉइन्ट रिप्लेसमेन्ट सर्जरी का सस्ता और बढ़िया उपचार है अलसी। ¬¬ आर्थ्राइटिस, शियेटिका, ल्युपस, गाउट, ओस्टियोआर्थ्राइटिस आदि का उपचार है अलसी।
- कई असाध्य रोग जैसे अस्थमा, एल्ज़ीमर्स, मल्टीपल स्कीरोसिस, डिप्रेशन, पार्किनसन्स, ल्यूपस नेफ्राइटिस, एड्स, स्वाइन फ्लू आदि का भी उपचार करती है अलसी। कभी-कभी चश्में से भी मुक्ति दिला देती है अलसी। दृष्टि को स्पष्ट और सतरंगी बना देती है अलसी।
- अलसी बांझपन, पुरूषहीनता, शीघ्रस्खलन व स्थम्भन दोष में बहुत लाभदायक है।
- 1952 में डॉ. योहाना बुडविग ने ठंडी विधि से निकले अलसी के तेल, पनीर, कैंसररोधी फलों और सब्ज़ियों से कैंसर के उपचार का तरीका विकसित किया था जो बुडविग प्रोटोकोल के नाम से जाना जाता है। यह कर्करोग का सस्ता, सरल, सुलभ, संपूर्ण और सुरक्षित समाधान है। उन्हें 90 प्रतिशत से ज्यादा सफलता मिलती थी। इसके इलाज से वे रोगी भी ठीक हो जाते थे जिन्हें अस्पताल में यह कहकर डिस्चार्ज कर दिया जाता था कि अब कोई इलाज नहीं बचा है, वे एक या दो धंटे ही जी पायेंगे सिर्फ दुआ ही काम आयेगी। उन्होंने सशर्त दिये जाने वाले नोबल पुरस्कार को एक नहीं सात बार ठुकराया।
अलसी सेवन का तरीकाः- हमें प्रतिदिन 30 – 60 ग्राम अलसी का सेवन करना चाहिये। 30 ग्राम आदर्श मात्रा है। अलसी को रोज मिक्सी के ड्राई ग्राइंडर में पीसकर आटे में मिलाकर रोटी, पराँठा आदि बनाकर खाना चाहिये। डायबिटीज के रोगी सुबह शाम अलसी की रोटी खायें। कैंसर में बुडविग आहार-विहार की पालना पूरी श्रद्धा और पूर्णता से करना चाहिये। इससे ब्रेड, केक, कुकीज, आइसक्रीम, चटनियाँ, लड्डू आदि स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन भी बनाये जाते हैं।
अलसी को सूखी कढ़ाई में डालिये, रोस्ट कीजिये (अलसी रोस्ट करते समय चट चट की आवाज करती है) और मिक्सी से पीस लीजिये. इन्हें थोड़े दरदरे पीसिये, एकदम बारीक मत कीजिये. भोजन के बाद सौंफ की तरह इसे खाया जा सकता है .
अलसी की पुल्टिस का प्रयोग गले एवं छाती के दर्द, सूजन तथा निमोनिया और पसलियों के दर्द में लगाकर किया जाता है। इसके साथ यह चोट, मोच, जोड़ों की सूजन, शरीर में कहीं गांठ या फोड़ा उठने पर लगाने से शीघ्र लाभ पहुंचाती है। यह श्वास नलियों और फेफड़ों में जमे कफ को निकाल कर दमा और खांसी में राहत देती है।
इसकी बड़ी मात्रा विरेचक तथा छोटी मात्रा गुर्दो को उत्तेजना प्रदान कर मूत्र निष्कासक है। यह पथरी, मूत्र शर्करा और कष्ट से मूत्र आने पर गुणकारी है। अलसी के तेल का धुआं सूंघने से नाक में जमा कफ निकल आता है और पुराने जुकाम में लाभ होता है। यह धुआं हिस्टीरिया रोग में भी गुण दर्शाता है। अलसी के काढ़े से एनिमा देकर मलाशय की शुद्धि की जाती है। उदर रोगों में इसका तेल पिलाया जाता हैं।
अलसी के तेल और चूने के पानी का इमल्सन आग से जलने के घाव पर लगाने से घाव बिगड़ता नहीं और जल्दी भरता है। पथरी, सुजाक एवं पेशाब की जलन में अलसी का फांट पीने से रोग में लाभ मिलता है। अलसी के कोल्हू से दबाकर निकाले गए (कोल्ड प्रोसेस्ड) तेल को फ्रिज में एयर टाइट बोतल में रखें। स्नायु रोगों, कमर एवं घुटनों के दर्द में यह तेल पंद्रह मि.ली. मात्रा में सुबह-शाम पीने से काफी लाभ मिलेगा।
इसी कार्य के लिए इसके बीजों का ताजा चूर्ण भी दस-दस ग्राम की मात्रा में दूध के साथ प्रयोग में लिया जा सकता है। यह नाश्ते के साथ लें।
बवासीर, भगदर, फिशर आदि रोगों में अलसी का तेल (एरंडी के तेल की तरह) लेने से पेट साफ हो मल चिकना और ढीला निकलता है। इससे इन रोगों की वेदना शांत होती है।
अलसी के बीजों का मिक्सी में बनाया गया दरदरा चूर्ण पंद्रह ग्राम, मुलेठी पांच ग्राम, मिश्री बीस ग्राम, आधे नींबू के रस को उबलते हुए तीन सौ ग्राम पानी में डालकर बर्तन को ढक दें। तीन घंटे बाद छानकर पीएं। इससे गले व श्वास नली का कफ पिघल कर जल्दी बाहर निकल जाएगा। मूत्र भी खुलकर आने लगेगा।
इसकी पुल्टिस हल्की गर्म कर फोड़ा, गांठ, गठिया, संधिवात, सूजन आदि में लाभ मिलता है।
डायबिटीज के रोगी को कम शर्करा व ज्यादा फाइबर खाने की सलाह दी जाती है। अलसी व गैहूं के मिश्रित आटे में (जहां अलसी और गैहूं बराबर मात्रा में हो)|

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Muscle cramps facts

Muscle cramps facts

  • A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax.
  • Almost everyone experiences a muscle cramp at some time in their life.
  • There are a variety of types and causes of muscle cramps.
  • Numerous medicines can cause muscle cramps.
  • Most muscle cramps can be stopped if the muscle can be stretched.
  • Muscle cramps can often be prevented by measures such as adequate nutrition and hydration, attention to safety when exercising, and attention to ergonomic factors.

What are muscle cramps?

A muscle cramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax. When we use the muscles that can be controlled voluntarily, such as those of our arms and legs, they alternately contract and relax as we move our limbs. Muscles that support our head, neck, and trunk contract similarly in a synchronized fashion to maintain our posture. A muscle (or even a few fibers of a muscle) that involuntarily (without consciously willing it) contracts is in a "spasm." If the spasm is forceful and sustained, it becomes a cramp. Muscle cramps often cause a visible or palpable hardening of the involved muscle.
Rest cramps: Cramps at rest are very common, especially in older adults, but may be experienced at any age, including childhood. Rest cramps often occur during the night. While not life threatening, night cramps (commonly known as nocturnal cramps) can be painful, disruptive of sleep, and they can recur frequently (that is, many times a night, and/or many nights each week). The actual cause of night cramps is unknown. Sometimes, such cramps are initiated by making a movement that shortens the muscle. An example is pointing the toe down while lying in bed, which shortens the calf muscle, a common site of muscle cramps.
Dehydration: Sports and other vigorous activities can cause excessive fluid loss from perspiration. This kind ofdehydration increases the likelihood of true cramps. These cramps are more likely to occur in warm weather and can be an early sign of heat stroke. Chronic volume depletion of body fluids from diuretics (medicine that promote urination) and poor fluid intake may act similarly to predispose to cramps, especially in older people. Sodium depletion has also been associated with cramps. Loss of sodium, the most abundant chemical constituent of body fluids outside the cell, is usually a function of dehydration.
Body fluid shifts: True cramps also may be experienced in other conditions that feature an unusual distribution of body fluids. An example is cirrhosis of the liver, which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites). Similarly, cramps are a relatively frequent complication of the rapid body fluid changes that occur during dialysis for kidney failure.
Low blood calcium, magnesium: Low blood levels of either calcium or magnesium directly increase the excitability of both the nerve endings and the muscles they stimulate. This may be a predisposing factor for the spontaneous true cramps experienced by many older adults, as well as for those that are commonly noted duringpregnancy. Low levels of calcium and magnesium are common in pregnant women unless these minerals are supplemented in the diet. Cramps are seen in any circumstance that decreases the availability of calcium or magnesium in body fluids, such as taking diuretics, hyperventilation(overbreathing), excessive vomiting, inadequate calcium and/or magnesium in the diet, inadequate calcium absorption due to vitamin D deficiency, poor function of the parathyroid glands (tiny glands in the neck that regulate calcium balance), and other conditions.
Low potassiumLow potassium blood levels occasionally cause muscle cramps, although it is more common for low potassium to be associated with muscle weakness.

What is the treatment of skeletal muscle cramps?

Most cramps can be stopped if the muscle can be stretched. For many cramps of the feet and legs, this stretching can often be accomplished by standing up and walking around. For a calf muscle cramp, the person can stand about 2 to 2.5 feet from a wall (possibly farther for a tall person) and lean into the wall to place the forearms against the wall with the knees and back straight and the heels in contact with the floor. (It is best to learn this maneuver at a time when you don't have the cramp.) Another technique involves flexing the ankle by pulling the toes up toward the head while still lying in bed with the leg as straight as possible. For writer's cramp (contractures in the hand), pressing the hand on a wall with the fingers facing down will stretch the cramping finger flexor muscles.
Gently massaging the muscle will often help it to relax, as will applying warmth from a heating pad or hot soak. If the cramp is associated with fluid loss, as is often the case with vigorous physical activity, fluid and electrolyte (especially sodium and potassium) replacement is essential. Medicines generally are not needed to treat an ordinary cramp that is active since most cramps subside spontaneously before enough medicine would be absorbed to even have an effect.

How can you prevent muscle cramps?

These tips may help prevent muscle cramps:
  • Drink plenty of water and other fluids, enough so that your urine is light yellow or clear like water.
  • Limit or avoid drinks with alcohol.
  • Make sure you are eating healthy foods (especially if you are pregnant) that are rich in calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Ride a bike or stationary bike to condition and stretch your muscles.
  • Stretch slideshow.gif your muscles every day, especially before and after exercise and at bedtime.
  • Don't suddenly increase the amount of exercise you get. Increase your exercise a little each week.
  • Take a daily multivitamin supplement.
If you are taking medicines that are known to cause leg cramps, your doctor may prescribe different medicines.

What if muscle cramps keep coming back?

Talk with your doctor if you have muscle cramps that keep coming back or are severe. These may be symptoms of another problem, such as restless legs syndrome.
If cramps keep coming back, bother you a lot, or interfere with your sleep, your doctor may prescribe medicine that relaxes your muscles.
WebMD Medical Reference from Healthwise
Last Updated: March 12, 2014

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Save your heart

It was turmeric, the delicious root with lots of health benefits. I began digging around it, careful not to damage the cluster of roots in the ground. After a moment the root came up easily and I shook off the dirt and lay them on the ground.
The first thing that strikes me about turmeric is that it looks like a cross between ginger and a carrot. Your fingers turn orange immediately as soon as you touch the root.
Turmeric has a brownish-reddish outer layer, while ginger is white with a touch of purple when you dig it up. Peel off or cut through turmeric and you’ll see a rich orange color like a carrot or sweet potato.
The strongest component of turmeric is curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory effects and is a very strong antioxidant.
One of the most important benefits of curcumin is how it helps improve blood flow to your whole body.
Poor blood flow can lead to high blood pressure, poor sexual performance, even Alzheimer’s disease. Decreased blood flow can also contribute to stroke, hardening of the arteries, and kidney disease.
Curcumin can protect your entire cardiovascular system. It even improves the bioavailability of the metabolic regulator nitric oxide, the molecule that signals your blood vessels to relax for greater blood flow.1
If you have blood sugar problems like diabetes or even pre-diabetes, it can lead to reduced blood flow as well. Curcumin has been used for centuries by traditional Balinese healers to lower blood sugar for people with diabetes, improving their blood flow, too.2
Male potency problems are another result of reduced blood flow. Drug companies would like you to believe that their drugs are the only remedy for the problem of ED… yet when they tested curcumin against Cialis for just this purpose, curcumin was much more effective than the drug Cialis. Curcumin improves blood flow and nitric oxide levels in the blood, and is more effective and lasts longer than their lab-created drug.3
And, if you’ve gone through or are going through menopause, you already know that it reduces blood flow throughout your body. This is one of the reasons why menopause reduces libido, and it makes menopausal women at higher risk for cardiac events.
When there’s a risk for heart problems, most mainstream doctors immediately try to prescribe a statin drug. Yet curcumin is better for your heart and improving blood flow. One study found that curcumin was equal to exercise for improving blood flow in post-menopausal women.4
Turmeric comes in many forms, and they all have curcumin in them.
An easy way to get it is to visit an Indian specialty shop. I have one near my home in South Florida. That makes it easy for me to drop in and pick up fresh turmeric root and curcumin. Plus, it’s such a pleasant experience walking through the door. The pungent spices sort of make you feel like you’ve been on a trip far away.
You can buy turmeric in conventional ground form, or whole. I cut up turmeric root and put it in stir fry dishes and stews. I put ground curcumin in soups and cooked vegetables. I try to use some every day because of the benefits.
If you’re going to buy it ground, make sure it’s all curcumin and not just some of the root ground up with curry.
Pure curcumin is available in a supplement. Most are low quality and either aren’t absorbed very well or pass through your system too quickly. So to get more bang for your buck, get a curcumin supplement that contains piperine, a black pepper extract that increases its absorbency.
Also, remember that the curcumin is the main beneficial component of turmeric root, so look for at least 90% or greater curcuminoids, whichever formula you use.
To Your Good Health,
Dr. Sears' Signature image
Al Sears, MD

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

सर्दियों में बादाम से ज्यादा असरदार है चना, रोज खाएंगे तो होंगे ये ढेरों फायदे

सर्दियों में बादाम से ज्यादा असरदार है चना, रोज खाएंगे तो होंगे ये ढेरों फायदे
सर्दियों में रोजाना 50 ग्राम चना खाना शरीर के लिए बहुत लाभकारी होता है। आयुर्वेद मे माना गया है कि चना और चने की दाल दोनों के सेवन से शरीर स्वस्थ रहता है। चना खाने से अनेक रोगों की चिकित्सा हो जाती है। इसमें कार्बोहाइड्रेट, प्रोटीन, नमी, चिकनाई, रेशे, कैल्शियम, आयरन व विटामिन्स पाए जाते हैं। चने का गरीबों का बादाम कहा जाता है, क्योंकि ये सस्ता होता है लेकिन इसी सस्ती चीज में बड़ी से बड़ी बीमारियों की लड़ने की क्षमता है। चने के सेवन से सुंदरता बढ़ती है साथ ही दिमाग भी तेज हो जाता है। मोटापा घटाने के लिए रोजाना नाश्ते में चना लें। अंकुरित चना 3 साल तक खाते रहने से कुष्ट रोग में लाभ होता है। गर्भवती को उल्टी हो तो भुने हुए चने का सत्तू पिलाएं। चना पाचन शक्ति को संतुलित और दिमागी शक्ति को भी बढ़ाता है। चने से खून साफ होता है जिससे त्वचा निखरती है।
सर्दियों में चने के आटे का हलवा कुछ दिनों तक नियमित रूप से सेवन करना चाहिए। यह हलवा वात से होने वाले रोगों में व अस्थमा में फायदेमंद होता है।
रात को चने की दाल भिगों दें सुबह पीसकर चीनी व पानी मिलाकर पीएं। इससे मानसिक तनाव व उन्माद की स्थिति में राहत मिलती है। 50 ग्राम चने उबालकर मसल लें। यह जल गर्म-गर्म लगभग एक महीने तक सेवन करने से जलोदर रोग दूर हो जाता है।
चने के आटे की की नमक रहित रोटी 40 से 60 दिनों तक खाने से त्वचा संबंधित बीमारियां जैसे-दाद, खाज, खुजली आदि नहीं होती हैं। भुने हुए चने रात में सोते समय चबाकर गर्म दूध पीने से सांस नली के अनेक रोग व कफ दूर हो जाता हैं।
25 ग्राम काले चने रात में भिगोकर सुबह खाली पेट सेवन करने से डायबिटीज दूर हो जाती है। यदि समान मात्रा में जौ चने की रोटी भी दोनों समय खाई जाए तो जल्दी फायदा होगा।
चने को पानी में भिगो दें उसके बाद चना निकालकर पानी को पी जाएं। शहद मिलाकर पीने से किन्हीं भी कारणों से उत्पन्न नपुंसकता समाप्त हो जाती है।
हिचकी की समस्या ज्यादा परेशान कर रही हो तो चने के पौधे के सूखे पत्तों का धुम्रपान करने से शीत के कारण आने वाली हिचकी तथा आमाशय की बीमारियों में लाभ होता है।
पीलिया में चने की दाल लगभग 100 ग्राम को दो गिलास जल में भिगोकर उसके बाद दाल पानी में से निकलाकर 100 ग्राम गुड़ मिलाकर 4-5 दिन तक खाएं राहत मिलेगी।
देसी काले चने 25-30 ग्राम लेकर उनमें 10 ग्राम त्रिफला चूर्ण मिला लें चने को कुछ घंटों के लिए भिगो दें। उसके बाद चने को किसी कपड़े में बांध कर अंकुरित कर लें। सुबह नाश्ते के रूप में इन्हे खूब चबा चबाकर खाएं।
बुखार में ज्यादा पसीना आए तो भूने को पीसकर अजवायन और वच का चूर्ण मिलाकर मालिश करनी चाहिए।
चीनी के बर्तन में रात को चने भिगोकर रख दे। सुबह उठकर खूब चबा-चबाकर खाएं इसके लगातार सेवन करने से वीर्य में बढ़ोतरी होती है व पुरुषों की कमजोरी से जुड़ी समस्याएं खत्म हो जाती हैं। भीगे हुए चने खाकर दूध पीते रहने से वीर्य का पतलापन दूर हो जाता है।
दस ग्राम चने की भीगी दाल और 10 ग्राम शक्कर दोनों मिलाकर 40 दिनों तक खाने से धातु पुष्ट हो जाती है।
गर्म चने रूमाल या किसी साफ कपड़े में बांधकर सूंघने से जुकाम ठीक हो जाता है। बार-बार पेशाब जाने की बीमारी में भुने हूए चनों का सेवन करना चाहिए। गुड़ व चना खाने से भी मूत्र से संबंधित समस्या में राहत मिलती है। रोजाना भुने चनों के सेवन से बवासीर ठीक हो जाता है।

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

B vitamins, your mental health & your wellbeing

B vitamins, your mental health & your well-being

by Michael Edwards 

(NaturalNews) B vitamins are essential to many functions of the body. They aid in breaking down simple carbohydrates into glucose, the fuel for the brain and the body. They help manufacture new red blood cells and help them carry iron and create hemoglobin. And although these functions are vital to life, the most dramatic benefits of B vitamins are seen in relation to the brain and nervous system.

Deficiencies in B vitamins run the gamut from simple fatigue all the way to death. In between these extremes lie a host of symptoms and diseases including many mental health issues from depression, anxiety, mood swings, and irritability to paranoia, dementia, delusions, and psychosis.

B vitamins help you sleep, calm you down, help you think, and improve your mood.

How to improve mood and mental health with B vitamins

If you are dealing with any of these issues, diet is the first solution. B vitamins in their natural form are destroyed by processing foods. There is no place for processed foods in a truly healthy diet. Processed foods are generally filled with trans fats, GMOs, sugar or high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. If you are dealing with any mental health issue, a clean, healthy diet is the first and most important treatment.

Clean out your cupboard, your pantry, and your freezer. Get rid of your processed foods. Buy real food and buy organic as much as possible. All of your meat should be organic. When you are eating at the top of the food chain, you are ingesting the product of that animal's diet. If the cow was raised on GMO feed, do you really want to eat it? Also, avoid all farm raised fish. Their feed is garbage as well. Animal protein is the only food source for B12, which is vital for the brain and nervous system. Make sure you buy food that is top quality, not from tortured animals raised on adulterated foods and antibiotics.

Fill your refrigerator and pantry with raw, organic fruits and vegetables. Beans and lentils are high in B vitamins. Grains must be whole. White rice, for instance, has had the outer layer removed--the outer layer filled with B vitamins.

Too often we rely on few foods, our favorites, to make up our diet. Experiment. Broaden your horizons and include new, nutrient dense foods. Eighty percent of your diet should consist of raw, organic, fruits and vegetables. This means eating one big salad a day with as many different veggies as you can cram into it or you can snack on lots of cut up veggies. Green smoothies are good, too, as long as they do not replace whole foods. You need the fiber for digestion and for promoting healthy bacteria in the gut.

B vitamins are water soluble, which means we do not store them in our fat tissues the way we store fat soluble vitamins. B12 is the only exception; it is stored in the liver. Since we do not store the other B vitamins, we need to eat good sources of B vitamins each day.

B Vitamin Supplementation

If you suffer from digestive disorders like Celiac disease or Crohn's disease you should seriously consider supplementation. These conditions make it difficult for your body to assimilate B vitamins. Also, age is a determining factor. Supplementation is also strongly recommended after age 50 due to a decrease in assimilation. And if you suffer from PMS, anxiety, OCD, depression, or any form of mental illness, discuss B vitamin supplementation with your health care provider.

If you do choose to supplement, know that our bodies do not utilize synthetic vitamins as well as whole food vitamins. Make sure your vitamins are from a good source. And don't freak out when your pee turns orange or bright yellow. B vitamins do that. Think about it this way: it's a good way to know if you remembered to take your vitamins!

Along with B vitamins, we need a multitude of nutrients that just aren't available in most of our topsoil anymore. Make sure you're taking a holistic approach with your health. More than any one supplement, the foundation should be a healthy diet and one great whole food multivitamin/mineral. Here is a recipe for the best multivitamin/mineral nutrition formula I know of, and you can make your own at home. For more information on B vitamin supplementation and symptoms of B vitamin deficiencies, check out Mental health, physical health & B Vitamins.

Friday, September 5, 2014



Strawberries (md)
Our bodies are battlegrounds against infection and diseases. Normal body functions such as breathing or physical activity and other lifestyle habits such as smoking produce substances called free radicals that attack healthy cells. When these healthy cells are weakened, they are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancers. Antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E and carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein, help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals.


Among the 600 or more carotenoids in foods, beta-carotene, lycopene and lutein are well-known leaders in the fight to reduce the damage from free radicals. Foods high in carotenoids may be effective allies against prostate cancer (beta-carotene); cancers of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectum (lycopene); and may help decrease your risk of macular degeneration (lutein).
Foods high in carotenoids include red, orange, deep-yellow and some dark-green leafy vegetables, like tomatoes, carrots, spinach, Brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, winter squash and broccoli.

Vitamin E

Research has demonstrated the broad role of vitamin E in promoting health. The main role of vitamin E is as an antioxidant. It helps protect your body from cell damage that can lead to cancer, heart disease and cataracts as we age. Vitamin E works with other antioxidants like vitamin C to offer protection from some chronic diseases. Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, salad dressings, margarine, wheat germ, whole-grain products, seeds, nuts and peanut butter.

Vitamin C

Perhaps the best-known antioxidant, vitamin C offers a wide-variety of health benefits, including protecting from infection and damage to body cells, helping produce collagen (the connective tissue that holds bones and muscles together); protecting your body from bruising by keeping capillary walls and blood vessels firm; and helping in the absorption of iron and folate.
To take advantage of these benefits, eat foods rich in vitamin C like citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits and tangerines), strawberries, sweet peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and potatoes.

Challenges to Healthful Eating

The best way to build a healthful eating plan is to eat well-balanced meals and snacks each day and to enjoy a wide variety of foods. Eating at least 2 cups of fruits and 2 ½ cups of vegetables daily is a good start for healthful living.
However, there may be circumstances that make healthful eating a challenge. If you are on a severely restricted low-calorie weight loss diet (less than 1,200 calories per day) or are of child-bearing age or just don't eat enough fruits and vegetables, a multivitamin or mineral supplement may be beneficial. Ask a registered dietitian or your doctor whether you need a supplement. A registered dietitian can evaluate your eating pattern and determine whether a supplement is right for you.

Thanks :http://www.eatright.org/public/content.aspx?id=6792

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Liver Functioning

6 Simple Ways to Improve Your Liver Functioning

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The liver is enormously important to the body, but many people do not realize just how essential it is until something goes wrong. Its most important function is act as one of the body’s filters to help remove toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals or even the by-products of medicines from the body to help prevent dangerous build-ups of these substances. Nourishing the liver is simple to do and enormous health benefits can be reaped from it. Below are six ways to love the liver.
To help the liver drive toxins out of the body, drink 8-10 glasses of filtered water a day. Starting the day out with a glass of water with the juice of half a lemon added is also a great way to bolster the liver’s detoxifying functions. This is because the lemon juice stimulate the liver to make bile, which the body uses as a vehicle to get rid of unwanted substances.
Love Your Greens
Make sure to include plenty of liver-nourishing vegetables in the diet. These include leafy green vegetables, beets, cabbage, kale, arugula, collards and other similar veggies. That is why they often appear on the menu of a liver detox regimen. Sulfur-rich veggies like garlic, onions and broccoli will also boost liver function.
This might sound strange, but a little DIY massage can also improve liver health. Lying flat on the back, get comfortable and then gentle massage the portion of the abdomen below the right lower rib, where the liver and gallbladder are located. This will help improve circulation to the area.
Avoid Overburdening
Even for people leading a healthy lifestyle, the liver has a lot of work to do. Over-consumption of alcohol or use of over-the-counter pain killers can add substantially to its workload and causes problems like cirrhosis in the course of time. As a matter of fact, though, the number one cause of liver failure is not alcoholism but chronic use of pain killers, with acetaminophen being particularly notorious for this.
Take Liver-Nourishing Supplements
Apart from a healthy diet and lots of water, it is also possible to nourish the liver with the use of certain supplements. Try 45 mg of turmeric, 400mg of milk thistle or 400 mg of dandelion extract daily to keep the liver healthy and happy.
Eat a Mineral-Rich Diet
Optimum liver function is dependent upon adequate levels of a variety of minerals in the body. To achieve this, eat a mineral rich diet and/or use a multi-mineral supplement. If using a such a supplement, be sure to look for one which contain magnesium, calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc, manganese, and iron.
None of these suggestions are complicated or expensive to do. However, the benefits from them to someone’s overall health can be enormous and have big effects on one’s immune system, energy levels and even longevity.
Thanks to :http://blogs.naturalnews.com/6-simple-ways-improve-liver-functioning/

Friday, August 8, 2014

Eat Some Garlic

Eat Some Garlic. In animal studies, garlic increased both testosterone levels and increased 
hormonal production of testosterone. Garlic’s secret ingredient for boosting testosterone is called allicin. It 
breaks down quickly, so it’s tough to get a good amount from a supplement. 
My favorite way to get garlic is to brew a bedtime elixir of four mashed garlic cloves steeped in eight ounces 
of hot water and flavored with the juice of a lemon. To ward off garlic’s tendency to make your breath smell 
“garlicky,” eat some neutralizing fennel seeds, like those served at Indian restaurants.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rajgir a best nutrition grain ....from IE


 High-protein amaranth is rich in iron, calcium

Amaranth, commonly known as rajgira (king seed), ramdana (seed sent by God) and keerai, is regaining popularity in India. Believed to be of Indian origin, the grain is from America. Native to the ancient Aztec and Inca civilisations, amaranth was cultivated in the Andes mountains and in Mexico. With time, Amaranth faded into obscurity, as staple crops such as corn and wheat cultivation took over.
The American amaranth underwent a remarkable migration to Asia. In the last century, it became increasingly popular among hill tribes in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Tibet and China.
Considering its nutritional properties, it is not difficult to understand why it is called the "third millennium grain". One of the most striking features is its exceptionally high protein content and quality. Unlike most conventional grains such as wheat, rice and corn — which are low in lysine — amaranth contains a balanced set of essential amino acids, making it an unusually complete protein source among grains.
Considering its high protein content, it is categorised as a pseudo-cereal. However, due to its readily digestible starch, it has a high glycemic index. To obtain maximum benefits, it is best combined with nuts, seeds, pulses, legumes and vegetables. In addition, amaranth is a relatively a good source of cholesterol-lowering soluble fibre, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin A, C and several B vitamins. It contains about four times as much calcium as wheat and twice as much iron and magnesium. Flavonoids (such as rutin and some phenolic acids as gallic acid, p-Hydroxybenzoic acid and vanillic acid) with anti-oxidant effects also occur in amaranth seeds and sprouts. Amaranth is gluten-free and easy to digest.
The health benefits attributed to amaranth include decreasing plasma cholesterol levels protecting the heart, stimulating the immune system, exerting an anti-cancer activity, reducing blood glucose levels and improving conditions of hypertension and anaemia. In addition, it has been reported to possess anti-allergic and anti-oxidant properties. Most of these properties are explained by the presence of bio-active compounds. Unsaturated fatty acids in amaranth may contribute to cholesterol lowering effects. Being a good source of magnesium, which helps relax blood vessels and prevents constriction and rebound dilation, it helps fight migraines.
Research has suggested that the amaranth grain can be used in the development of non-allergenic food products, with an added potential for use in fighting allergies. Amaranth can be baked, steamed or cooked as a cereal, ground into flour, pop like corn, sprout or toast, added to salads, casseroles, stir-fries, desserts or can even thicken your soups and stews. Amaranth flour can be added to breads, rotis, flour mixes, cookies, porridge, health bar or as fillers, toppings and beverages. Sprouting these seeds further increases their nutritional value. Sprouted seeds can be added to salads or juices. Amaranth, the nutrient-rich grain makes an excellent choice for everyone, especially for individuals with gluten sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome and wheat intolerance. Future research should be directed to epidemiological studies towards understanding the mechanisms of action and determining the minimum amount of amaranth that should be consumed in the diet in order to derive its benefits.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Does Less Housework by Women Lead to More Obesity?

Does Less Housework by Women Lead to More Obesity?

By Michael O'Riordan

Medscape Medical News

cleaning supplies
March 5, 2013 -- A new study adds yet more evidence that the decline in physical activity is contributing to the rise in obesity in the U.S. This study, however, is bound to cause some controversy, as researchers found the increase in obesity in women is tied to a falloff in the amount of housework they currently do compared with days gone by.
Published in PLoS One, the study shows that women were doing far less housework in 2010 than they were in 1965, and this has led to burning about 360 less calories per day. In 1965, women cooked, cleaned, and did laundry, among other household work, an average of 26 hours per week. In 2010, the amount of time spent doing the same work declined to 13 hours per week.
The researchers stress, though, that they are not suggesting women, or men, do more housework. Instead, the results should get people to think about how much energy they use throughout the day and also get policymakers to think about addressing the "calories out" aspect of obesity and the energy equation.  
"Our results show that we have engineered physical activity out of the workplace, out of the home, and out of our daily commute," says researcher Edward Archer, MD, of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, "and this has severe and dramatic consequences for our health. We need to find a way of reintegrating that activity to make up for the [decrease] in calories expended."

Calories In, Calories Out

The researchers used historical data to get a better idea of the amount of time spent on specific activities in the past. They found that the time spent doing housework declined from 25.7 hours per week in 1965 to 13.3 hours per week in 2010, with non-employed women cutting the amount of weekly housework by nearly 17 hours and working women by nearly seven hours.
The amount of energy used in household management declined 42% for non-employed women, down from 6,004 calories burned per week in 1965 to 3,486 calories burned per week in 2010 -- a weekly reduction of 2,518 calories.
"We found that non-employed women are spending about 360 calories less per day in physical activity, and if we look at obesity as calories in and calories out, this is a huge number of calories," Archer says. "It's about 15% of their total daily energy expenditure. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars studying diet and nutrition, which is the energy in, but we spend almost no money on the energy-expenditure portion of the equation. The most modifiable factor in the energy-balance equation is physical activity."
The researchers also found that the amount of time women spent watching television, and later using the computer, doubled from eight hours in 1965 to 16 hours in 2010.
Archer says the physical activity guidelines for health recommend 30 minutes per day, which is enough to lessen the risk of heart disease and stroke. However, this is not going to have much of an effect on weight and body fat. For that, the Institute of Medicine recommends at least an hour per day of moderate activity for weight maintenance, and at least 90 minutes to two hours of daily moderate exercise to lose weight.
Archer says that while patients complain they are not going to have enough time for that, he says the television is the biggest source of wasted time.
"The number one recommendation is to turn off the television and replace that time with walking and lifting weights," he says.
To see a version of this story for physicians, visit Medscape, the leading site for physicians and health care professionals.

sharing a mail from friend who has achieved weight loss etc in 10 days...Ghataprabha Naturopathy Centre

RE:My Experience in Ghataprabha Naturopathy Centre in Karnataka State.

shrikumarmenon shrikumarmenon@pnb.co.in

to me
Dear Sir,
My experience was very good. I  had lost 5 Kgs, from 76 to 71 kgs. at the time of discharge. The atmosphere was very clean ,neat & homely. Many persons loose weight from 5 to 5.5 kgs ,on an average, depending on your body. Many persons who have BP, Diabetes, Cervical Spondylisis, Arthritis, Cholestrol related problems become normal when they leave the centre after 10 days. Even if they are on tablets, it gradually tapers off. It has a pollution free atmosphere & my expenses were Rs.8,200/- for 13 days in a special room, with 2 persons sharing. Everyday ,one has to get up at 5 a.m, go for walk 6a.m. to 7a.m.is Yoga& Jal  Neti. After that the doctor comes for round & your B.P.& weight is checked  on a daily basis. Treatments are Oil Massage, Jacuzzi, Under water Massage, Enema, Mud Treatments, Sauna, Whirlpool Bath, Spinal bath, depending on your ailment.Health related talks are given daily at 7 p.m. The facilties are quite good. Toilets, bathroom are clean & hygienic. All in all a good & refreshing experience & I plan to go every year. It is recommended for B.P.Diabetes patients that every six months the visit the centre. They have given the Maintainence diet ,to be maintained as far as possible.

Thanks & regards
Shrikumar Menon