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Are you worried about your high blood pressure? Sometimes,negligence and ignorance can pay a heavy price. Here, I havecompiled a few simple tips for you to bring your seething bloodpressure down.1. Relax. It is one of the mantras for a healthy living. Meditationand yoga can bring inner peace and control anger and rush ofadrenaline.2. Exercise can control your shooting blood pressure. If you arenot used to used to exercise then try walking for half and hour andyoga. But, at any cost, regular physical activity is a must. Ithelps blood circulation and your cardiovascular capacity.2. Watch your sodium and salt inake. For this, eat home made foods,unsalted nuts, avoid instant soups and read labels of ready madefoods. Also eat fresh food as far as possible.3. Reduce alcohol intake and quit smoking.4. Drink water upto 3-4 litres. Excess sodium in your body will beflushed out with increased water intake.5. Eat avacadoes, bananas, oranges, dried apricots, prunes andraisins, nuts like pistachios, seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, squashand flax. Include dried herbs like tulsi, parsley, corianderleaves, spinach and the like in to your diet as they are rich inpotassium. Poutry, eggs and meat also contain potassium.6. Calcium may help to regulate blood pressure. Get 1000 mgs ofcalcium if you are between 19-50 years old and 1200 mgs if you areabove 50.7. Magnesium deficiency is often seen in hypertensive patients.Hence eat green leafy vegetables, whole grains and dry peas andbeans.8. Omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil is yet another remedy tohypertension.9. Garlic sulphides manage your cholesterol and also help toregulate blood pressure.10. Have sugar free dark chocolate as it is a clinically provenblood pressure regulator.I would be happy to answer any other queries you might have.Follow us on Facebook at : you good health,Regards,Puneet
If you have been suffering from acidity, some changes in yourlifestyle can definitely ease your discomfort. However, chronicacidity needs diagnosis and prompt treatment.1# Stress is a villain in our lives that lead to a variety ofhealth concerns. Acidity is just one among them. Practisingmeditation or yoga is a great stress buster.2# Eating and drinking according to your body constitution is veryimportant. If you are acidic avoid alcohol, tobacco, smoking,coffee, tea, soft drinks, sodas, sweets, processed foods, citrusfruits, spicy masalas and fatty foods. At the same time, do notover eat or go about with an empty stomach.3# Eat at a regular time. Time your meal without long gaps inbetween and follow the same time table everyday. Taking small mealsat regular intervals of (2-3 hours)is ideal. Also, relax when youare eating!4# Don't slouch while eating or drinking. Maintain a straight backand proper body posture always.5# Never lie down immediately after eating. It is better to walkslowly for a few minutes after the meal. Avoid afternoon naps asyou tend to sleep immediately after lunch and will remain awakelate night as you have slept ealier in the day. Eat your dinner atleast two hours before bed time and elevate the head of the bed forrelief.6# If you are overweight, the excessive fat in the abdominal cavityincreases the pressure inside it causing the food contents insidethe stomach to flow back to the oesophagus (reflux). So get activeand lose weight. A sedentary lifestyle can cause havoc in yourlife.7# Wear loose clothes. Avoid tight belts.8# Avoid late night browsing or movies. Go to bed early and wake upearly.Water intake, if insufficient can aggravate acidity and stomachproblems. Hence, it is important to take at least 3 litres of watera day. Coconut water, carrot juice, cumin water, fibrous foods,mint, fresh fruits like water melon, cucumber, banana are good tobe taken regularly. Using black pepper instead of chillies, gingerin moderation, taking liquorice and amla are healthy if you haveacidity.I would be happy to answer any other queries you might have.Follow us on Facebook at : you good health,Regards,Puneet